A recently uncovered notebook of 36 proverbs commented as military tactics that helps dealing with conflicts. Tr. Verstappen (en), Doc Mac Jr (fr).
7. 無
Create Something From Nothing
8. 暗
Openly Repair The Walkway, Secretly March to Chencang
9. 隔
Observe the Fire on the Opposite Shore
10. 笑
Hide Your Dagger Behind a Smile
11. 李
Sacrifice the Plum Tree In Place of the Peach
12. 順
Seize the Opportunity To Lead a Sheep Away
Hide Your Dagger Behind a Smile
Charm and ingratiate yourself to your enemy. When you have gained his trust, you move against him in secret.
Warring States Era China
The king of Wei sent a beautiful courtesan to the king of Chu who took great delight in the new girl. His queen, Zheng Xiu, knowing how fond the king was of his new woman, treated the newcomer as a sister supplying her with gifts and treasures and whatever she needed. The king hearing of this summoned his queen and said: AA woman serves a man with her beauty and thus jealousy is a part of her very nature. Yet you, knowing how much the new woman pleases me, have treated her more kindly than I have myself. These actions are those of a child to her parents or a minister to his ruler, how unexpected it is to find this in a queen to her husband." The queen thus knew that her husband did not suspect her of jealousy. When she next met with the new girl the queen told her: "His majesty is much taken with your beauty but he dislikes the shape of your nose. When next you serve him be sure to cover it with your hand." Grateful for the advice, when she next served the king this is what she did.
The next day the king asked his queen: "The new woman covers her nose when she is with me. Do you know why?"
"I know." replied the queen.
"Well then no matter how unpleasant you must tell me the reason."
"It seems she does not like the way your majesty smells."
"The shrew!" cried the king.
In a rage the king ordered that the unfortunate girl's nose be cut off.
« Dissimuler une épée dans un sourire »
Pour que tes adversaires soient sereins
et sans crainte, dissimule l'hostilité
sous l'apparence de l'amitié.
Rassurez l'ennemi pour le rendre négligent, travaillez en secret pour le subjuguer, préparez-vous pleinement avant de passer à l'action pour empêcher l'ennemi de changer d'état d'esprit : c'est la méthode pour dissimuler une puissante volonté sous une apparence docile.
Cette maxime représente un archétype de la littérature universelle : une personne avec un visage souriant et un cœur cruel, connu dans le folklore chinois comme le « tigre souriant ».
Dans la vie quotidienne, certains deviennent plus judicieux après s'être fait mystifier par un tel tigre souriant. A la guerre, une sagesse si tardive n'a que peu ou pas d'usage, car payée un tel prix qu'on ne peut se permettre le luxe de se l'offrir. Par conséquence, avant que le résultat de la guerre ne soit manifeste, une proposition de paix sera toujours reçue avec suspicion. Ainsi il est préférable d'avoir à faire à un général ennemi trop sûr de lui pour que ce stratagème soit couronné de succès.
Doc Mac Jr
Thirty–Six Strategies – 36 Ji II. 10. – Chinese on/off – Français/English
AliasThirty-Six Strategies, Thirty-Six Stratagems, Secret Art of War, Les 36 stratagèmes, Les Trente-six stratégies
The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
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