The naturalist, individualist and politic doctrine of Lao-tse exhibited in 81 poetic and obscure texts. Tr. Waley (en), Lau (en), Julien (fr) and Wilhelm (de).
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第 二 十 四 Section Dao – Chapter XXIV
'He who stands on tip-toe, does not stand firm;
He who takes the longest strides, does not walk the fastest.”
He who does his own looking sees little,
He who defines himself is not therefore distinct.
He who boasts of what he will do succeeds in nothing;
He who is proud of his work, achieves nothing that endures.
Of these, from the standpoint of the Way, it is said:
“Pass round superfluous dishes to those that have already had enough,
And no creature but will reject them in disgust.”
That is why he that possesses Tao does not linger.
Waley 24
抬着脚尖想要提高自己, 反而站立不稳; 俩步并作一步的走, 反而走不快; 只凭自己的眼睛去看反而看不清; 只凭自己的主观意识去判断反而判不清是非; 自我夸耀的反而没有功劳; 自大自满的反而不能长久。
这些行为都是多余、累赘不堪的东西, 就如同剩饭、赘瘤, 不仅无益, 反而有害。万物都厌恶它, 所以修道人一定要避它。
He who tiptoes cannot stand; he who strides cannot walk.
He who shows himself is not conspicuous;
He who considers himself right is not illustrious;
He who brags will have no merit;
He who boasts will not endure.
From the point of view of the way these are 'excessive food and uselessexcresences'.
As there are Things that detest them, he who has the way does not abidein them.
Lau 24
Celui qui se dresse sur ses pieds ne peut se tenir droit ; celui qui étend les jambes ne peut marcher.
Celui qui tient à ses vues n'est point éclairé.
Celui qui s'approuve lui-même ne brille pas.
Celui qui se vante n'a point de mérite.
Celui qui se glorifie ne subsiste pas longtemps.
Si l'on juge cette conduite selon le Tao, on la compare à un reste d'aliments ou à un goitre hideux qui inspirent aux hommes un constant dégoût.
C'est pourquoi celui qui possède le Tao ne s'attache pas à cela.
Julien 24
Wer auf den Zehen steht,
steht nicht fest.
Wer mit gespreizten Beinen geht,
kommt nicht voran.
Wer selber scheinen will,
wird nicht erleuchtet.
Wer selber etwas sein will,
wird nicht herrlich.
Wer selber sich rühmt,
vollbringt nicht Werke.
Wer selber sich hervortut,
wird nicht erhoben.
Er ist für den SINN wie Küchenabfall und Eiterbeulen.
Und auch die Geschöpfe alle hassen ihn.
Darum: Wer den SINN hat,
weilt nicht dabei.
Wilhelm 24
The Way and Its Power – Dao De Jing I. 24. – Chinese on/off – Français/English
Alias Daode Jing, Dao De Jing, Tao Te Ching, Tao Teh Ching, le Tao-tö-king, Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Ching, the Laozi, Lao Zi, the Lao Tze, le Lao-tseu, The Book of the Way and its Virtue, the Way and its Power.
The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
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