
Shi Jing Introduction Table des matières – Le Canon des Poèmes

Le plus ancien recueil connu de poésie chinoise, plus de trois cents chansons, odes et hymnes. Tr. Legge (en) et Granet (fr, incomplète).

Section I — ュキ Lessons from the states
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
Chapitre 6 — ュキ The odes of Wang

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Shijing I. 6. (71)

Thickly they spread about, the dolichos creepers,
On the borders of the He.
For ever separated from my brothers,
I call a stranger father.
I call a stranger father,
But he will not look at me.

Thickly they spread about, the dolichos creepers,
On the banks of the He.
For ever separated from my brothers,
I call a stranger mother.
I call a stranger mother,
But she will not recognize me.

Thickly they spread about, the dolichos creepers,
On the lips of the He.
For ever separated from my brothers,
I call a stranger elder-brother.
I call a stranger elder-brother,
But he will not listen to me.

Legge 71

Shi Jing I. 6. (71) IntroductionTable des matières
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Paysage chinois sur plateau (56)

Le Canon des Poèmes – Shi Jing I. 6. (71) – Chinois on/off – Français/English
Alias Shijing, Shi Jing, Book of Odes, Book of Songs, Classic of Odes, Classic of Poetry, Livre des Odes, Canon des Poèmes.

Le Canon des Poèmes, Les Entretiens, La Grande Étude, Le Juste Milieu, Les Trois Caractères, Le Livre des Mutations, De la Voie et la Vertu, 300 poèmes Tang, L'Art de la guerre, Trente-six stratagèmes
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Wengu, base multilingue de textes classiques chinois