
Shi Jing Introduction Table of content – The Book of Odes

The oldest collection of Chinese poetry, more than three hundred songs, odes and hymns. Tr. Legge (en) and Granet (fr, incomplete).

Section II — 、p カョ Minor odes of the kingdom
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chapter 1 — ウタ 、ァ 、ー Decade of Lu Ming

161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169

Shijing II. 1. (162)

My four steeds advanced without stopping ;
The way from Zhou was winding and tedious.
Did I not have the wish to return ?
But the king's business was not to be slackly performed ;
And my heart was wounded with sadness.

My four steeds advanced without stopping ;
They panted and snorted, the white steeds black-maned.
Did I not have the wish to return ?
But the king's business was not to be slackly performed ;
And I had not leisure to kneel or to sit.

The Filial doves keep flying about,
Now soaring aloft, and now descending,
Collecting on the bushy oaks ;
But the king's business was not to be slackly performed ;
And I had not leisure to nourish my father.

The Filial doves keep flying about,
Now flying, now stopping,
Collecting on the bushy medlars ;
But the king's business was not to be slackly performed ;
And I had not leisure to nourish my mother.

I yoked my four white steeds, black-maned ;
They hurried away with speed.
[But] did I not wish to return ?
Therefore I make this song,
Announcing my wish to nourish my mother.

Legge 162

Shi Jing II. 1. (162) IntroductionTable of content
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