
Shi Jing Introduction Table of content – The Book of Odes

The oldest collection of Chinese poetry, more than three hundred songs, odes and hymns. Tr. Legge (en) and Granet (fr, incomplete).

Section IV — ケ| Odes of the temple and the Altar
1 2 3 4 5
Chapter 4 — セ| ケ| Praise-songs of Lu

297 298 299 300

Shijing IV. 4. (297)

Fat and large are the stallions,
On the plains of the far-distant borders.
Of those stallions, fat and large,
Some are black and white-breeched ; some light yellow ;
Some, pure black ; some, bay ;
[All], splendid carriage horses.
His thoughts are without limit ; –
He thinks of his horses, and they are thus good.

Fat and large are the stallions,
On the plains of the far-distant borders.
Of those stallions, fat and large,
Some are piebald, green and white ; others, yellow and white ;
Some, yellowish red ; some, dapple grey ;
[All], strong carriage horses.
His thoughts are without end ; –
He thinks of his horses, and they are thus strong.

Fat and large are the stallions,
On the plains of the far-distant borders.
Of those stallions, fat and large,
Some are flecked as with scales ; some, white and black-maned ;
Some, red and black-maned ; some, black and white-maned ;
[All], docile in the carriage,
His thoughts never weary ; –
He thinks of his horses, and such they become.

Fat and large are the stallions,
On the plains of the far-distant borders.
Of those stallions, fat and large,
Some are cream-coloured ; some, red and white ;
Some, with white hairy legs ; some, with fishes' eyes ;
[All], stout carriage horses.
His thoughts are without depravity ; – ;
He thinks of his horses, and thus serviceable are they.

Legge 297

[Xref] Lunyu II. 2. quotes Shijing IV. 4. (297)
gbog – Lunyu 18 – 2005/12/02
Shi Jing IV. 4. (297) IntroductionTable of content
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