
Tang Shi Introduction Table des matières – Poèmes de l'Époque des Tang

Un recueil de 320 pièces pour découvrir la poésie chinoise à son apogée. Œuvres de Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, etc. Tr. Bynner (en) et 21 d'Hervey (fr).

IV — シヨ ゥイ Folk-song-styled-verse

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

Tangshi IV. 1. (76)

Wang Wei
A Song of a Girl from Loyang

There's a girl from Loyang in the door across the street,
She looks fifteen, she may be a little older.
...While her master rides his rapid horse with jade bit an bridle,
Her handmaid brings her cod-fish in a golden plate.
On her painted pavilions, facing red towers,
Cornices are pink and green with peach-bloom and with willow,
Canopies of silk awn her seven-scented chair,
And rare fans shade her, home to her nine-flowered curtains.
Her lord, with rank and wealth and in the bud of life,
Exceeds in munificence the richest men of old.
He favours this girl of lowly birth, he has her taught to dance;
And he gives away his coral-trees to almost anyone.
The wind of dawn just stirs when his nine soft lights go out,
Those nine soft lights like petals in a flying chain of flowers.
Between dances she has barely time for singing over the songs;
No sooner is she dressed again than incense burns before her.
Those she knows in town are only the rich and the lavish,
And day and night she is visiting the hosts of the gayest mansions.
...Who notices the girl from Yue with a face of white jade,
Humble, poor, alone, by the river, washing silk?

Bynner 76

Tang Shi IV. 1. (76) IntroductionTable des matières
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Paysage chinois sur plateau (80)

Poèmes de l'Époque des Tang – Tang Shi IV. 1. (76) – Chinois on/off – Français/English
Alias Tang Shi San Bai Shou, Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty, Poésie des Thang.

Le Canon des Poèmes, Les Entretiens, La Grande Étude, Le Juste Milieu, Les Trois Caractères, Le Livre des Mutations, De la Voie et la Vertu, 300 poèmes Tang, L'Art de la guerre, Trente-six stratagèmes
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Wengu, base multilingue de textes classiques chinois