Développements du petit-fils de Confucius sur le Tao et la nature humaine. Tr. Legge (en)
How great is the path proper to the Sage!
Legge XXVII.1.
Like overflowing water, it sends forth and nourishes all things, and rises up to the height of heaven.
Legge XXVII.2.
All-complete is its greatness! It embraces the three hundred rules of ceremony, and the three thousand rules of demeanor.
Legge XXVII.3.
It waits for the proper man, and then it is trodden.
Legge XXVII.4.
Hence it is said, "Only by perfect virtue can the perfect path, in all its courses, be made a fact."
Legge XXVII.5.
Therefore, the superior man honors his virtuous nature, and maintains constant inquiry and study, seeking to carry it out to its breadth and greatness, so as to omit none of the more exquisite and minute points which it embraces, and to raise it to its greatest height and brilliancy, so as to pursue the course of the Mean. He cherishes his old knowledge, and is continually acquiring new. He exerts an honest, generous earnestness, in the esteem and practice of all propriety.
Legge XXVII.6.
Thus, when occupying a high situation he is not proud, and in a low situation he is not insubordinate. When the kingdom is well governed, he is sure by his words to rise; and when it is ill governed, he is sure by his silence to command forbearance to himself. Is not this what we find in the Book of Poetry,– "Intelligent is he and prudent, and so preserves his person?"
Legge XXVII.7.
The Doctrine of the Mean – Zhongyong XXVII – Chinois off/on – Français/English
Alias Zhong Yong, Chung Yung, Tchong Yong, The Unwobbling Pivot (Pound), La Régulation à usage ordinaire (Jullien).
Le Canon des Poèmes, Les Entretiens, La Grande Étude, Le Juste Milieu, Les Trois Caractères, Le Livre des Mutations, De la Voie et la Vertu, 300 poèmes Tang, L'Art de la guerre, Trente-six stratagèmes
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