伯 恩 斯 bó ēn sī : (Nicholas) Burns (US State Department spokesperson)
國 防 部 guó fáng bù : Defense Department; Ministry of National Defense
國 務 院 guó wù yuàn : State Department (USA); State Council (China)
琳 .戴 維 斯 lín dài wéi sī : Lynn Davis (US State Department arms control expert)
商 務 部 shāng wù bù : Commerce Department (of the US government)
司 法 部 sī fǎ bù : Justice Department (of the US government)
總 後 勤 部 zǒng hòu qín bù : (military) General Logistics Department
總 政 治 部 zǒng zhèng zhì bù : (military) General Political Department
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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