辦 事 bàn shì : to handle (affairs); to work
撥 冗 bō rǒng : find time in the midst of pressing affairs
財 務 cái wù : financial affairs
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當 事 人 dāng shì rén : persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)
對 外 duì wài : external; foreign; pertaining to external or foreign (affairs)
勾 «句» gòu : affair; to reach for (with hand)
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國 外 guó wài : abroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign
局 勢 jú shì : situation; state (of affairs)
軍 事 jūn shì : military affairs; military matters; military
戀 愛 liàn ài : to have a love affair; to be in love; to love; love
內 政 nèi zhèng : internal affairs (of a country)
情 況 qíng kuàng : circumstances; state of affairs; situation
商 務 shāng wù : commercial affairs
事 «亊» shì : matter; thing; item; work; affair
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事 情 shì qing : affair; matter; thing; business
事 態 shì tài : situation; existing state of affairs
事 務 shì wù : (political, economic, etc.) affairs; work
外 交 wài jiāo : diplomacy; diplomatic; foreign affairs
外 交 部 長 wài jiāo bù zhǎng : minister of foreign affairs
外 長 wài zhǎng : foreign minister; secretary of state; minister of foreign affairs
務 [务] wù : affair; business; matter
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政 務 zhèng wù : government affairs
狀 態 zhuàng tài : state of affairs; state; mode
Zhendic searched affair as en in 0 s.
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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