哀 鳴 āi míng : a plaintive whine; wail
安 保 ān bǎo : (abbreviation) maintain security
安 定 ān dìng : stable; quiet; settled; stabilize; maintain; stabilized; calm and orderly
按 àn : to press (with the hand); to push; to control; to restrain; to check; pressing down (brush movement in painting); according to; in the light of
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暗 淡 àn dàn : dim; faint; dismal; gloomy
把 握 bǎ wò : grasp; seize; hold; assurance; certainty
白 臉 bái liǎn : white face; face painting in Beijing Opera; etc
擺 攤 子 bǎi tān zǐ : set up a stall; maintain a large staff and organization
敗 筆 bài bǐ : a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting; a faulty expression in writing
保 bǎo : to defend; to protect; to insure or guarantee; to maintain; hold or keep; to guard
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保 持 bǎo chí : to keep; to maintain; to hold; to preserve
保 留 bǎo liú : continue to have; retain; hold back; reserve; reservations; hold back (approval or acceptance); to preserve; maintain
保 密 bǎo mì : maintain secrecy; keep secret
保 全 bǎo quán : save from damage; preserve; maintain; keep in good repair
筆 觸 bǐ chù : brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy; brushwork; style of drawing or writing
壁 畫 bì huà : mural (painting); fresco
裱 biǎo : hang (paper); mount (painting)
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秉 bǐng : (surname); to grasp; hold; maintain
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病 根 bìng gēn : an incompletely cured illness; an old complaint; the root cause of trouble
不 動 聲 色 bù dòng shē sè : maintain one's composure; stay calm and collected; not turn a hair; not bat an eyelid
不 絕 如 縷 bù jué rú lǔ : hanging by a thread; very precarious; almost extinct; (of sound) linger on faintly
不 摸 頭 bù mō tóu : not acquainted with the situation; not up on things
不 確 定 bù què dìng : uncertainty
不 受 理 bù shòu lǐ : reject a complaint; refuse to entertain (a proposal)
擦 cā : to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish
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彩 蚌 cǎi bàng : painted shell; painting on shell
側 鋒 cè fēng : oblique attack (brush movement in painting)
搽 chá : apply (ointment; powder); smear; paint on
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持 chí : to grasp; to hold; support; manage; direct; maintain
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黛 dài : umber-black dye for painting the eyebrow
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頓 挫 dùn cuò : with syncopated cadence (brush stroke in painting)
高 雅 gāo yǎ : dainty; elegance; elegant
毫 無 疑 問 háo wú yí wèn : certainty; without a doubt
橫 筆 héng bǐ : bristles lying down (brush movement in painting)
畫 [划 画] «画» huà : draw; picture; painting
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畫 兒 [划 画] «画» huàr : picture; drawing; painting
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繪 [绘] «缋» huì : to draw; to paint
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繪 畫 huì huà : drawing; painting
昏 hūn : muddle-headed; twilight; to faint; to lose consciousness
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雘 huò : red earth used for paints
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經 營 管 理 和 維 護 jīng yíng guǎn lǐ hé wéi hù : Operations Administration and Maintenance; OAM
拘 禁 jū jīn : constraint; restrain
克 制 kè zhì : restraint; self-control
臨 摹 lín mó : to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.)
臨 寫 lín xiě : to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)
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起 伏 qǐ fú : ups and downs; with a wavy motion (brush stroke in painting)
認 定 rèn dìng : maintain (that something is true); be of the firm opinion that; to firmly believe
認 識 rèn shi : be acquainted with (a person); to know; to be familiar with; to recognize
聖 [圣] «堊» shèng : holy; sacred; saint; sage
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實 肘 shí zhǒu : full arm (method of painting)
手 跡 shǒu jī : sb.'s original handwriting or painting
熟 人 shú rén : acquaintance; friend
提 tí : to carry; to lift; to put forward; (upwards character stroke); lifting (brush stroke in painting); to mention
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涂 «塗» tú : (surname); to smear; daub; to apply (paint); to spread
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拖 «拕» tuō : dragging (brush stroke in painting); to drag along
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維 [维] wéi : to preserve; to maintain; to hold together; dimension
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維 持 wéi chí : to keep; to maintain; to preserve
維 持 費 wéi chí fèi : maintenance costs
維 護 wéi hù : defense; safeguard; protect; uphold; maintain
纖 巧 xiān qiǎo : delicate; dainty
修 理 xiū lǐ : repair; perform maintenance; to overall; to fix
虛 腕 xū wàn : empty wrist (method of painting)
徐 悲 鴻 xú bēi hóng : name of a famous painter, Xu Beihong
耶 穌 基 督 末 世 聖 徒 教 會 yē sū jī dū mò shì shèng tú jiào huì : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
疑 惑 yí huò : (a sense of) uncertainty; feel unsure about something
隱 約 yǐn yuē : vague; faint; indistinct
暈 [晕] yūn : confused; dizzy; giddy; faint
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折 筆 zhé bǐ : against the bristles (brush movement in painting)
正 鋒 zhèng fēng : frontal attack (brush movement in painting)
指 法 zhǐ fǎ : finger method (in painting)
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