拔 絲 bá sī : wire drawing; candied floss
白 屈 菜 bái qū cài : greater celandine
百 貨 bǎi huò : general merchandise
筆 挺 bǐ tǐng : (standing) very straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright; well-ironed; trim
冰 釋 bīng shì : (of misgivings; misunderstandings; etc; ) disappear; vanish; be dispelled
不 求 甚 解 bù qiú shèn jiě : not seek to understand things thoroughly; be content with superficial understanding
不 識 時 務 bù shí shí wù : show no understanding of the times
不 同 凡 響 bù tóng fán xiǎng : outstanding; out of the ordinary; out of the common run
殘 廢 cán fèi : deformity; handicapped
產 品 chǎn pǐn : goods; merchandise; product
常 委 cháng wěi : member of standing committee
常 委 會 cháng wěi huì : standing committee
剿 «勦» chāo : destroy (bandits)
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勦 «剿» chāo : destroy (bandits)
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出 色 chū sè : remarkable; outstanding
盜 [盗] dào : steal; rob; plunder; a thief; bandit; robber
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登 陸 月 球 dēng lù yuè qiú : moon landing; to land on the moon
鄧 亮 洪 dèng liàng hóng : Tang Liang Hong (opposition candidate in Jan 1996 Singapore elections)
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恩 怨 ēn yuàn : (feeling of) resentment; (longstanding) grudge
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頜 [颌] hé : maxilla and mandible
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候 選 人 hòu xuǎn rén : candidate
貨 物 huò wù : goods; commodity; merchandise
積 [积] jī : to amass; to accumulate; to store; old; long-standing
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戛 «戞» jiá : a lance; standing alone
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降 落 地 點 jiàng luò dì diǎn : landing site
剿 «勦» jiǎo : destroy (bandits)
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勦 «剿» jiǎo : destroy (bandits)
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桔 jié : Platycodon grandiflorus
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理 解 lǐ jiě : to comprehend; understanding; comprehension; to understand
諒 解 liàng jiě : (reach) an understanding
嘍 [喽] lóu : subordinates in gang of bandits
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囉 «啰» luó : subordinate in a gang of bandits
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屏 «摒» píng : (standing) screen
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強 盜 qiáng dào : bandit; robber
翹 [翘] qiáo : outstanding; to raise
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商 品 shāng pǐn : good; commodity; merchandise
司 令 sī lìng : commanding officer
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無 黨 派 wú dǎng pài : politically unaffiliated; independent (candidate)
舞 wǔ : to dance; to wield; to brandish
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舞 弄 wǔ nòng : to wave; to brandish
誤 會 wù huì : to misunderstand; to mistake; misunderstanding
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顯 目 xiǎn mù : outstanding; conspicuous
顯 著 xiǎn zhù : outstanding; notable
掗 [挜] yà : attach; brandish; hold
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業 績 yè jī : outstanding achievement
逸 «逸» yì : escape; leisurely; outstanding
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優 秀 yōu xiù : outstanding; excellent
尤 yóu : outstanding; particularly; especially
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正 直 zhèng zhí : upright; upstanding; honest
著 zhù : to make known; to show; to prove; to write; book; outstanding
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卓 zhuó : (surname); outstanding
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著 陸 zhuó lù : landing; touchdown
陸 點 zhuó lù diǎn : landing site
作 法 zuò fǎ : course of action; method of doing something; practice; modus operandi
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