逼 死 bī sǐ : hound somebody to death; constantly aggravate
不 住 bú zhù : repeatedly; continuously; constantly
不 迭 bù dié : cannot cope; find it too much; incessantly
不 已 bù yǐ : endlessly; incessantly
不 止 bù zhǐ : incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to
長 [长] cháng : length; long; forever; always; constantly
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黷 [黩] dú : blacken; constantly; to insult
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即 刻 jí kè : immediately; instant; instantly
將 就 jiāng jiu : accept (a bit reluctantly); put up with
涼 快 liáng kuai : nice and cold; pleasantly cool
一 向 yí xiàng : all long; the whole time; constantly; earlier; lately
愉 快 yú kuài : cheerful; cheerily; delightful; pleasant; pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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