按 蚊 àn wén : anopheles; malarial mosquito
保 加 利 亞 bǎo jiā lì yà : Bulgaria
貝 母 bèi mǔ : the bulb of the fritillary (Fritillaria thunbergii)
變 分 法 biàn fēn fǎ : calculus of variations
變 種 biàn zhǒng : mutation; variety; variant
不 變 化 bù biàn huà : invariably
簿 記 管 理 員 bù jì guǎn lǐ yuán : commissarian
狄 dí : (surname); barbarians; name of a tribe
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蘺 [蓠] lí : Gracilaria confervoides
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蠻 [蛮] mán : barbarian; bullying; very; quite; rough; reckless
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莔 méng : Fritillaria verticillata
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匏 páo : bottle gourd; Lagenaria vulgaris
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撒 迦 利 亞 書 sā jiā lì yǎ shū : Book of Zechariah
素 食 sù shí : vegetables; vegetarian food
圖 書 管 理 員 tú shū guǎn lǐ yuán : librarian
無 產 階 級 wú chǎn jiē jí : proletariat
匈 牙 利 語 xiōng yá lì yǔ : Hungarian (language)
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莠 yǒu : Setaria viridis; vicious
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甯 níng : (variant of 寧) peacefull, tranquil
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碁 qí : Japanese variant of 棋, used especially for 围棋 Go
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鞉 táo : (variant of 鞀 and 鼗) hand-drum
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鵙 jú : (variant of 鶪) 鵲鵙 is 'magpie shrike'
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Zhendic searched aria as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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