拌 嘴 bàn zuǐ : bicker; squabble; quarrel
避 雷 器 bì léi qì : lightning arrester
捕 拿 bǔ ná : arrest; capture; catch
不 毛 之 地 bù máo zhī dì : barren land; desert
不 育 症 bù yù zhèng : sterility; barrenness
碴 chá : fault; glass fragment; quarrel
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吵 chǎo : to quarrel; to make a noise; noisy; to disturb by making a noise
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吵 架 chǎo jià : to quarrel; to have a row
逮 «迨» dǎi : arrest; catch; seize; until
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閣 樓 gé lóu : garret; loft; attic
荒 蕪 huāng wú : barren; uncultivated; waste(land)
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拘 押 jū yā : (arrest and) take into custody
克 里 斯 托 弗 kè lǐ sī tuō fú : (Warren) Christopher
搜 捕 sōu bǔ : hunt and arrest (fugitives)
喜 歡 吵 架 xǐ huān chǎo jià : quarrelsome
抓 zhuā : to grab; to catch; to arrest; to snatch
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Big5: , Unicode:
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Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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