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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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āi lián : feel compassion for; pity

ān chā : place in a certain position; assign to a job; plant

àn shā : assassinate

[帮] bāng : to assist; to support; to help; group; gang; party

Big5: , Unicode: 5e6b (幫),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

bāng bàn : assist in managing; deputy

bāng shou : helper; assistant

bāng zhù : assistance; aid; to help; to assist

bèi : by (marker for passive-voice sentences or clauses); quilt; blanket; to cover; to wear

Big5: , Unicode: 88ab (被),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: assist

Big5: , Unicode: 5f3c (弼),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zhù : help; assistant

biān : edit; compile; (assistant) editor; compiler

[别] bié : leave; depart; separate; distinguish; classify; other; another; do not; must not; to pin

Big5: , Unicode: 5225 (別),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

hǎo si : feel embarrassed; be ill at ease; find it embarrassing (to do sth; )

jiàn jīng zhuàn : not to be found in the classics - not authoritative; unknown

[搀] chān : assist by the arm; mix; support; sustain

Big5: , Unicode: 6519 (攙),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[衬] chèn : give alms; underwear; to line; lining; contrast; assist

Big5: Ũ, Unicode: 896f (襯),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: works; phrases; classical Chinese poem; word; diction

Big5: , Unicode: 8a5e (詞),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: compassionate; gentle; merciful; kind; humane

Big5: , Unicode: 6148 (慈),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

«刾» : thorn; sting; prick; pierce; stab; thrust; assassinate; murder

Big5: , Unicode: 523a (刺),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

dài : to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)

èr : assistant

Big5: ˹, Unicode: 4f74 (佴),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

fēn lèi : classification

fēn pài : assign

fēn pèi : to distribute; to assign; to allocate

chí : to help; to assist

[辅] : to assist; to complement; auxiliary

Big5: , Unicode: 8f14 (輔),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zhù : to assist; to aide

: secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-; (measure word for a pair)

Big5: , Unicode: 526f (副),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: in an embarrassing situation

Big5: , Unicode: 5c2c (尬),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

«個» : general classifier

Big5: , Unicode: 7b87 (箇),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[给] gěi : to; for; for the benefit of; to give; to allow; to do sth (for sb); (passive particle)

Big5: , Unicode: 7d66 (給),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

diǎn : classical

diǎn pài : classicists

diǎn yīn yuè : classical music

diǎn yán : classical language

guì : Cinnamonum cassia

Big5: , Unicode: 6842 (桂),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

«夥» huǒ : assistant; furniture; partner

Big5: , Unicode: 4f19 (伙),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

«伙» huǒ : assistant; partner; many; great; numerous

Big5: , Unicode: 5925 (夥),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: secret; classified (information)

[钾] jiǎ : potassium

Big5: , Unicode: 9240 (鉀),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[经] «経» jīng : classics; sacred book; pass through; to undergo; scripture

Big5: , Unicode: 7d93 (經),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

jīng diǎn : classics; scriptures

jiù : to save; to assist; to rescue

Big5: , Unicode: 6551 (救),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

jiù yuán : to save; to support; to help; to assist

西 : Cassini (proper name)

: hardworking; assiduous

lèi bié : classification; category

liàng : measure word; classifier

liè wéi : be classified as

[纶] lún : classify; silk thread; twist silk

Big5: , Unicode: 7db8 (綸),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

luò : (Winston) Lord (former assistant Secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific Affairs)

mán : Brassica campestris

Big5: , Unicode: 8513 (蔓),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[闵] mǐn : (surname); feel compassion for

Big5: , Unicode: 9594 (閔),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: girdle; brassiere; to plaster

Big5: , Unicode: 62b9 (抹),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: (surname); assistant; small

Big5: , Unicode: 88e8 (裨),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

piě : Brassica campestris subsp. rapa

Big5: С, Unicode: 82e4 (苤),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

píng jià fēn lèi : rank, classify

qíng : feeling; emotion; passion; situation

Big5: , Unicode: 60c5 (情),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

rǎn : (surname); passing (of time)

Big5: , Unicode: 5189 (冉),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

rǎn : luxuriant growth; passing (of time)

Big5: , Unicode: 82d2 (苒),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

qíng : cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately

rèn : to assign; to appoint; office; responsibility

Big5: , Unicode: 4efb (任),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

rèn wu : mission; assignment; task; duty; role

rèn yòng : to appoint; to assign

: day by day; more and more; increasingly; more and more with each passing day

sān guó yǎn : name of a classic novel, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

[摄] «摂» shè : assist; collect; absorb

Big5: , Unicode: 651d (攝),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

shí sān jīng : the Thirteen Confucian Classics

shòu : to bear; to stand; to endure; (passive marker); to receive

Big5: , Unicode: 53d7 (受),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

shǔ : be classified as; to belong to; to be part of

sōng : (cabbage); Brassica chinensis

Big5: , Unicode: 83d8 (菘),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

宿 : assignment

tóng qíng : compassion; relent; sympathize; sympathy

wěi shū : (forged, dubious, misclassified) old books

: to absorb; to draw [a lesson or an insight]; to assimilate

shōu : absorb; assimilate

xiāng : assist

Big5: , Unicode: 8944 (襄),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

xiāo : passive

[协] «恊» xié : cooperate; harmonize; to help; to assist; to join

Big5: , Unicode: 5354 (協),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

xié zhù : provide assistance; aid

xiōng shǒu : assailant; murderer; assassin

: all; assist; to store

Big5: , Unicode: 80e5 (胥),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: assist; ready to fly; respect

Big5: , Unicode: 7fca (翊),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

yíng yuán : clerk; shop assistant

[觎] : passionately desire

Big5: , Unicode: 89a6 (覦),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

yuán : to help; to assist; to aid

Big5: , Unicode: 63f4 (援),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

yuán zhù : aid; assistance; support; help

zhēng zhēng shàng : becoming more prosperous with each passing day

zhī yuán : provide assistance or backing; to support; to back

zhù : to help; to assist

Big5: , Unicode: 52a9 (助),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zhù jiào : teaching assistant

zhù : assistant

zhù shǒu : assistant; helper

zhuān yuán : assistant director

zuǒ : assist

Big5: , Unicode: 4f50 (佐),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zuò : school assignment; work; task; operation; to operate

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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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