白 陶 bái táo : white pottery (of Shang Dynastry 16-11th century BC)
敗 家 子 bài jiā zǐ : spendthrift; wastrel; prodigal
檳 子 bīn zi : binzi; a species of apple which is slightly sour and astringent
餅 [饼] bǐng : round flat cake; cookie; cake; pastry
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餑 餑 bō bo : pastry; steamed bun; cake
不 得 了 bù dé liǎo : desperately serious; disastrous; extremely; exceedingly
岔 chà : branch in a road; astray; diverge
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點 心 diǎn xīn : light refreshments; pastry
哈 裡 森 史 密 特 hā lǐ sēn shǐ mì tè : Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 1 7 astronaut)
架 構 jià gòu : infrastructure; architecture
羯 jié : castrate a ram; deer's skin
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跨 kuà : step across; step astride
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浪 子 làng zǐ : loafer; wastrel; prodigal son
騎 qí : to ride (an animal or bike); to sit astride
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塞 爾 南 sài ěr nán : (Eugene) Cernan (Apollo 17 astronaut)
天 文 學 tiān wén xué : astronomy
天 文 學 家 tiān wén xué jiā : astronomer
網 路 架 構 wǎng lù jià gòu : network infrastructure
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
尤 金 塞 爾 南 yóu jīn sài ěr nán : Eugene Cernan (Apollo 17 astronaut)
宇 航 員 yǔ háng yuán : astronaut
災 難 zāi nàn : disaster; catastrophe
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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