本 領 běn lǐng : skill; ability; capability
本 事 běn shì : ability; skill; source material; original story
筆 底 下 bǐ dǐ xià : ability to write
筆 頭 bǐ tóu : ability to write; writing skill; written; in written form
不 可 能 的 事 bù kě néng de shì : impossibility
不 可 侵 犯 權 bù kě qīn fàn quán : inviolability
才 cái : ability; talent; endowment; gift; an expert; only (then); only if; just
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才 干 cái gàn : ability; competence
才 略 cái lǜe : ability and sagacity
才 能 cái néng : talent; ability; capacity
才 識 cái shí : ability and insight
才 智 cái zhì : ability and wisdom
長 期 穩 定 性 cháng qī wěn dìng xìng : long term stability
承 擔 chéng dān : undertake; assume (responsibility, etc.)
擔 [担] dān : to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility
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擔 [担] dàn : a picul (133.33 lbs.); burden; a load; responsibility
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得 de : a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect; degree or possibility
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分 擔 fēn dān : share responsibility
負 責 任 fù zé rèn : responsibility for; blamed for; be in charge of
蓋 然 性 gài rán xìng : probability
貴 族 guì zú : lord; nobility; nobleman
互 操 性 hù cāo xìng : interoperability
互 通 性 hù tōng xìng : interoperability (of communications equipment)
機 動 性 jī dòng xìng : flexibility
兼 容 性 jiān róng xìng : compatibility
爵 jué : nobility; (ancient wine holder with 3 legs and loop handle)
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可 能 kě néng : might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability
可 能 性 kě néng xìng : possibility; probability
可 行 性 kě xíng xìng : feasibility
可 行 性 研 究 kě xíng xìng yán jiū : feasibility study
可 移 植 性 kě yí zhí xìng : portability (programming language)
靈 活 性 líng huó xìng : flexibility
能 力 néng lì : capability; capable; able; ability
任 rèn : to assign; to appoint; office; responsibility
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伸 縮 性 shēn suō xìng : flexibility
生 產 能 力 shēng chǎn : manufacturing ability
生 育 能 力 shēng yù néng lì : fertility; ability to have children
勢 力 shì li : power; (ability to) influence
適 應 性 shì yìng xìng : suitability
推 tuī : push; refuse (responsibility); shove
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穩 定 性 wěn dìng xìng : stability
無 能 wú néng : inability; incapable; powerless
移 植 性 yí zhí xìng : portability
引 咎 yǐn jiù : take the blame; accept responsibility (for a mistake)
責 [责] zé : duty; responsibility; to reproach; to blame
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責 任 zé rèn : responsibility; blame; duty
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Zhendic searched bility as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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