閉 塞 眼 睛 捉 麻 雀 bì sè yǎn jīng zhuō má què : try to catch sparrows with one's eyes blindfolded - act blindly
捕 bǔ : to catch; to seize; to capture; to catch
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捕 蟲 葉 bǔ chóng yè : insect-catching leaf
捕 獲 bǔ huò : to catch; to capture; to seize
捕 鯨 船 bǔ jīng chuán : whaler; whale catcher
捕 撈 bǔ lāo : fish for (aquatic animals and plants); catch
捕 拿 bǔ ná : arrest; capture; catch
捕 食 bǔ shí : catch and feed on; prey on
不 入 虎 穴 焉 得 虎 子 bù rù hǔ xué yān dé hǔ zǐ : how can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair; nothing venture; nothing to gain or have
逮 «迨» dǎi : arrest; catch; seize; until
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迨 «逮» dài : catch; seize; until
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逮 «迨» dài : catch; seize; until
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趕 [赶] gǎn : to catch up; to overtake; to hurry; to rush; to drive away
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赶 «趕» gǎn : catch up; drive away; hurry
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趕 不 上 gǎn bù shàng : can't keep up with; can't catch up with
感 冒 gǎn mào : to catch cold; (common) cold
趕 上 gǎn shàng : keep up with; catch up with
獲 [获] huò : to catch; to obtain; to capture
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罝 jū : net for catching rabbits
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看 見 kàn jiàn : to see; to catch sight of
口 號 kǒu hào : slogan; catchphrase
羅 [罗] «羅» luó : (surname); gauze; to collect; to gather; to catch; to shift
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拿 «拏» ná : to hold; to seize; to catch; to apprehend; to take
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染 rǎn : to catch (a disease); dye
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三 不 sān bù : "the three no's" (an example of an abbreviated slogan or catchphrase)
失 火 shī huǒ : catch fire; fire (alarm)
鶲 [鹟] wēng : Siberian flycatcher
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著 zhāo : catch; receive; suffer
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抓 zhuā : to grab; to catch; to arrest; to snatch
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Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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