哀 告 āi gào : beg piteously; supplicate
安 撫 ān fǔ : placate; pacify; appease
按 圖 索 驥 àn tú suǒ jì : try to locate sth; by following up a clue
捌 bā : complicated form of the numeral eight; split
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佰 bǎi : (complicated form of) hundred (used to avoid fraud)
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擺 脫 bǎi tuō : break away from; cast away (old ideas, etc.); to get rid of; to break away (from); to break out (of); free (extricate) oneself from
報 國 bào guó : dedicate oneself to the service of one's country
報 系 bào xì : newspaper chain; syndicate
逼 宮 bī gōng : force the king or emperor to abdicate
編 [编] biān : weave; plait; organize; group; arrange; edit; compile; write; compose; fabricate
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編 造 biān zào : compile; draw up; work out; fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up; create out of the imagination
標 明 biāo míng : mark; indicate
標 誌 biāo zhì : sign; mark; symbol; symbolize; to indicate; to mark
表 明 biǎo míng : make known; make clear; state clearly; indicate; known; to make clear
表 示 biǎo shì : to express; to show; to express; to say; to state; to indicate
憋 氣 biē qì : feel suffocated or oppressed; choke with resentment; feel injured and resentful
併 發 bìng fā : be complicated by; erupt simultaneously
撥 款 bō kuǎn : allocate funds; appropriation
不 簡 單 bù jiǎn dān : not simple; rather complicated; remarkable; marvelous
部 類 bù lèi : category; division
剷 除 chǎn chú : root out; eradicate
抄 chāo : to copy; to plagiarize; to search and seize; to go; to transcribe; to take a shortcut; to search and confiscate
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抄 家 chāo jiā : to search a house and confiscate possessions
抄 件 chāo jiàn : duplicate (copy)
吃 «喫» chī : eat; eradicate; destroy; receive
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重 複 chóng fù : to repeat; to duplicate
疇 [畴] chóu : arable fields; cultivated field; class; category
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畜 chù : livestock; domesticated animal; domestic animal
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大 便 dà biàn : to defecate; excrement; feces
大 類 dà lèi : main type; main class; main category
當 事 人 dāng shì rén : persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)
第 五 類 dì wǔ lèi : category 5; CAT 5 (cable)
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杜 dù : (surname); fabricate; restrict; to prevent
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繁 «緐» fán : complicated; many; in great numbers
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分 配 fēn pèi : to distribute; to assign; to allocate
奉 獻 fèng xiàn : consecrate; dedicate; devote
復 [复] «覆» fù : again; recover; reply to a letter; to repeat; to duplicate
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副 本 fù běn : duplicate; transcript
複 雜 fù zá : complicated; complex
複 製 fù zhì : to duplicate; to reproduce; to make a copy of; to copy
貢 獻 gòng xiàn : to contribute; to dedicate; to devote; contribution
搆 «構» gòu : implicate; reach to
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罟 gǔ : implicate; net for birds or fish
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互 通 hù tōng : to intercommunicate; to interoperate
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簡 單 jiǎn dān : simple; not complicated
槳 狀 jiǎng zhuàng : certificate of merit
嬌 [娇] jiāo : lovable; pampered; tender; delicate; frail
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教 育 jiào yù : to educate; to teach; education
節 外 生 枝 jié wài shēng zhī : new problems complicate an issue; deliberately create such problems
進 行 通 信 jìn xíng tōng xìn : to communicate; to carry out communications
精 美 jīng měi : delicate; fine; refinement
老 «耂» lǎo : (a prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family to indicate affection or familiarity); old (of people)
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類 [类] «類» lèi : kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble
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類 別 lèi bié : classification; category
聯 合 組 織 lián hé zǔ zhī : syndicate
裊 [袅] «嬝» niǎo : delicate; graceful
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嬝 «裊» niǎo : delicate; graceful
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嫋 «嬝» niǎo : delicate; graceful
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捏 造 niē zào : to make up; to fabricate
配 備 pèi bèi : to allocate; to provide; to outfit with
偏 偏 piān piān : (indicates that sth. turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal)
牽 扯 qiān chě : involve; implicate
牽 連 qiān lián : (be) implicated
牽 涉 qiān shè : involve; implicated
羌 qiāng : educated; name of a tribe; strong
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曲 折 qū zhé : complicated; winding
確 [确] què : authenticated; solid; firm; real; true
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确 «確» què : authenticated; solid; firm
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讓 位 ràng wèi : to abdicate; to yield
認 證 rèn zhèng : authenticate; approve
姍 [姗] shān : deprecate; lithe (of woman's walk)
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設 在 shè zài : located at; set up in a particular location
屬 [属] shǔ : category; class; family; to belong to
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提 倡 tí chāng : to promote; to advocate
通 tōng : go through; know well; to connect; to communicate; open
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謂 語 wèi yǔ : (grammatical) predicate
纖 [纤] xiān : fine; delicate; minute
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纖 巧 xiān qiǎo : delicate; dainty
纖 弱 xiān ruò : fragile; delicate
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