阿 昌 族 ā chāng zú : the Achang nationality living in Yunnan
安 全 與 交 換 委 員 會 ān quán yǔ jiāo huàn wěi yuán huì : Securities and Exchange Communication; SEC
暗 袋 àn dài : camera bag (for changing film)
百 貨 bǎi huò : general merchandise
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比 價 bǐ jià : price relations; parity; rate of exchange
彼 一 時 /此 一 時 bǐ yī shí cǐ yī shí : that was one situation; and this is another - times have changed
鞭 闢 入 裡 biān pì rù lǐ : penetrated; trenchant; incisive
變 [变] «変» biàn : to change; to become different; to transform; to vary; rebellion
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變 成 biàn chéng : to change into; to turn into; to become
變 動 biàn dòng : change; alteration
變 革 biàn gé : transform; change
變 更 biàn gēng : change; alter; modify
變 幻 biàn huàn : change irregularly; fluctuate
變 暖 biàn nuǎn : warming; changing to become warmer
變 遷 biàn qiān : changes; vicissitudes
變 色 biàn sè : change color; discolor; change countenance; become angry
變 速 biàn sù : speed change; gear shift
變 天 biàn tiān : change of weather; restoration of reactionary rule
鏢 客 biāo kè : armed escort (of travelers or merchants' caravans)
病 變 bìng biàn : pathological changes
孛 bó : (surname); change color in the face
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不 變 bù biàn : unchanging; constant
不 打 不 相 識 bù dǎ bù xiāng shí : from an exchange of blows friendship grows; no discord; no concord
不 等 價 交 換 bù děng jià jiāo huàn : exchange of unequal values
不 服 bù fú : not accept (something); want to have (something) overruled or changed; refuse to obey or comply; refuse to accept as final; remain unconvinced by; not give in to
不 期 而 遇 bù qī ér yù : meet by chance; have a chance encounter
產 品 chǎn pǐn : goods; merchandise; product
唱 chàng : sing; to call loudly; to chant
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酬 酢 chóu zuò : to exchange toasts
傳 輸 通 道 chuán shū tōng dào : transport channel
倒 dǎo : to fall; to collapse; to topple; to change; to fail; bankrupt
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動 [动] dòng : to use; to act; to move; to change
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兌 換 duì huàn : to convert; to exchange
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而 ér : and; as well as; but (not); yet (not); (shows causal relation); (shows change of state); (shows contrast)
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逢 féng : every time; meet by chance
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改 gǎi : to change; to alter; to transform; to correct
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改 變 gǎi biàn : to change; to alter; to transform
改 名 gǎi míng : to change ones name
改 造 gǎi zào : to change; to alter; to transform
高 唱 gāo chàng : sing loudly; chant
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更 衣 室 gēng yī shì : changeroom; dressing room; locker room; toilet
埂 gěng : channel for irrigation
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股 票 市 場 gǔ piào shì chǎng : stock market; stock exchange
海 峽 hǎi xiá : straight; channel; straits
化 huà : to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform
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匯 [汇] huì : remit; to converge (of rivers); to exchange
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貨 物 huò wù : goods; commodity; merchandise
機 關 jī guān : organ; mechanism
機 會 jī huì : opportunity; chance; occasion
機 器 人 jī qì rén : mechanical person; robot
機 械 jī xiè : machine; mechanical
漸 變 jiàn biàn : gradual change
交 換 jiāo huàn : to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom)
交 流 jiāo liú : exchange; give-and-take; to exchange; to alternate
鬮 jiū : (draw) lots; lot (in a game of chance)
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科 爾 kē ěr : (Helmut) Kohl (German chancellor)
科 學 的 交 流 kē xué de jiāo liú : scientific exchange
量 變 liàng biàn : quantitative change
瓴 líng : concave channels of tiling
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零 錢 líng qián : change (said of money)
留 學 生 liú xué shēng : student studying abroad; (foreign) exchange student
迷 人 mí rén : fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting
碰 巧 pèng qiǎo : by chance; by coincidence; to happen to
頻 道 pín dào : frequency; (television) channel
愀 qiǎo : change countenance; worry
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日 漸 rì jiàn : (keep increasing, changing, etc.) day by day
入 迷 rù mí : to be fascinated; to be enchanted
嬗 shàn : changes and succession
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商 品 shāng pǐn : good; commodity; merchandise
伺 機 sì jī : to watch for one's chance
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替 換 tì huàn : exchange; shift; switch
通 道 tōng dào : (communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage
通 訊 通 道 tōng xùn tōng dào : communications channel
通 用 tōng yòng : common (use); interchangeable
圖 像 互 換 格 式 tú xiàng hù huàn gé shì : GIF; graphic interchange format
外 匯 wài huì : foreign (currency) exchange
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