案 件 àn jiàn : law case; legal case; judicial case
案 子 àn zi : long table; counter; <¤f> case; law case; legal case; judicial case
八 面 玲 瓏 bā miàn líng lóng : be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations)
拜 會 bài huì : pay an official call; call on; visit in an official capacity
辦 公 bàn gōng : handle official business; work (usually in an office)
半 官 方 bàn guān fāng : semi-official
北 方 běi fāng : north; the northern part of the country especially the area north of the Yellow River (Huang-He)
背 井 離 鄉 bèi jǐng lí xiāng : leave one's native place (especially against one's will)
疕 bǐ : facial skin disease; mange
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鄙 陋 bǐ lòu : superficial; shallow
變 亂 biàn luàn : turmoil; social upheaval
標 準 biāo zhǔn : (an official) standard; norm; criterion
表 情 biǎo qíng : (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression
別 動 隊 bié dòng duì : special detachment; commando; an armed secret agent squad
冰 醋 酸 bīng cù suān : glacial acetic acid
冰 河 bīng hé : glacial; pertaining to ice age
冰 期 bīng qī : glacial epoch; ice age
病 院 bìng yuàn : a specialized hospital
補 助 bǔ zhù : (financial) subsidy; allowance
不 求 甚 解 bù qiú shèn jiě : not seek to understand things thoroughly; be content with superficial understanding
不 痛 不 痒 bù tòng bù yǎng : scratching the surface; superficial; perfunctory
財 閥 cái fá : financial magnate; plutocrat; tycoon
財 力 cái lì : financial resources
財 團 cái tuán : financial group
財 務 cái wù : financial affairs
財 務 軟 件 cái wù ruǎn jiàn : financial software; accounting software
財 源 cái yuán : financial resources; source of revenue
財 政 cái zhèng : finances (public); financial
差 額 chā è : balance (financial)
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臣 chén : statesman; vassal; courtier; minister; official
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赤 字 chì zì : (financial) deficit
酬 應 chóu yìng : social interaction
出 面 chū miàn : act in a (official or personal) capacity
粗 淺 cū qiǎn : shallow; superficial
檔 [档] dàng : cross-piece; official records; grade (of goods); file; records; shelves
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牒 dié : (official) document; dispatch
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動 蕩 dòng dàng : (social or political) unrest; turmoil; upheaval
豆 dòu : bean; sacrificial vessel
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犢 [犊] dú : calf; sacrificial victim
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獨 特 dú tè : unique; distinct; having special characteristics
非 官 方 fēi guān fāng : unofficial
非 正 式 fēi zhèng shì : unofficial
復 審 fù shěn : reexamine (a judicial case)
高 級 官 員 gāo jí guān yuán : high ranking official; high level official
格 外 gé wài : especially; particularly
各 界 gè jiè : all walks of life; all social circles
公 安 官 員 gōng ān guān yuán : public safety officials
工 商 銀 行 gōng shāng yín háng : Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)
公 務 gōng wù : official business
供 gòng : offer; sacrificial offering
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官 guān : official; government
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官 邸 guān dǐ : official residence
官 方 guān fāng : official; (by the) government
官 方 語 言 guān fāng yǔ yán : official language
官 員 guān yuán : government official
盥 guàn : wash (especially hands)
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鬍 子 hú zi : beard; moustache or whiskers; facial hair
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褌 [裈] huī : sacrificial robe of the empress
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機 關 報 jī guān bào : official (government-operated) newspaper
假 «仮» jiǎ : fake; false; artificial; to borrow; if; suppose
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兼 jiān : double; twice; simultaneous; holding two or more (official) posts at the same time
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減 刑 jiǎn xíng : reduce penalty; shortened or commuted (judicial) sentence
金 融 jīn róng : banking; finance; financial
金 融 風 波 jīn róng fēng bō : financial crisis; banking crisis
金 融 改 革 jīn róng gǎi gé : financial reform
金 融 市 場 jīn róng shì cháng : financial market
金 融 危 機 jīn róng wēi jī : financial crisis
金 融 系 統 jīn róng xì tǒng : financial system
精 干 jīng gàn : crack (troops); special (forces); highly capable
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開 庭 kāi tíng : begin a (judicial) court session
抗 戰 kàng zhàn : war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)
虧 損 kuī sǔn : deficit; (financial) loss
困 難 kùn nan : (financial, etc.) difficulty; problem; issue
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蒞 [莅] lì : attend (official functions)
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浰 lì : attend (official functions)
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利 於 lì yú : be beneficial; be good for
臉 譜 liǎn pǔ : types of facial makeup in operas
寮 «寮» liáo : Laos; fellow-official; hut
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祿 [禄] «祿» lù : good fortune; official salary
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貿 易 mào yì : (commercial) trade
面 目 miàn mù : appearance; facial features; look
牡 丹 卡 mǔ dan kǎ : Peony Card (credit card issued by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)
拿 手 菜 ná shǒu cài : specialty (dish)
南 京 路 nán jīng lù : Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai
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漂 浮 piāo fú : to float; superficial
嬙 [嫱] qiáng : female court officials
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情 報 官 員 qíng bào guān yuán : intelligence official
人 造 rén zào : man-made; artificial
人 造 語 言 rén zào yǔ yán : artificial language; constructed language
商 務 shāng wù : commercial affairs
商 業 版 本 shāng yè bǎn běn : commercial version (of software)
商 業 化 shāng yè huà : to commercialize
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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