保 送 bǎo sòng : recommend (for admission to school)
表 揚 biǎo yáng : to praise; to commend
表 彰 biǎo zhāng : cite (in dispatches); commend
不 贊 一 詞 bù zàn yī cí : keep silent; make no comment
不 置 可 否 bù zhì kě fǒu : decline to comment; not express an opinion; be noncommittal; hedge
稱 [称] chēng : to call; to praise; to weigh; to estimate; to consider; to call; to address; to name; to say; commend
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稱 讚 chēng zàn : to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to complement
工 商 gōng shāng : industry and commerce
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紀 念 jì niàn : to commemorate; to remember
紀 念 館 jì niàn guǎn : memorial hall; commemorative museum
紀 念 日 jì niàn rì : day of commemoration; memorial day
荐 «薦» jiàn : recommend (a person)
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薦 [荐] jiàn : recommend (a person)
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建 議 jiàn yì : to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation
口 氣 kǒu qì : (friendly or unfriendly) tone (of comments)
留 言 liú yán : to leave one's comments; to leave a message
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貿 易 mào yì : (commercial) trade
南 京 路 nán jīng lù : Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai
念 日 niàn rì : memorial day; commemoration day
評 [评] píng : to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal)
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評 論 píng lùn : comment; to comment on; to discuss; commentary
評 註 píng zhù : commentary; remark
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商 會 shāng huì : chamber of commerce
商 務 shāng wù : commercial affairs
商 業 shāng yè : business; trade; commerce
商 業 版 本 shāng yè bǎn běn : commercial version (of software)
商 業 化 shāng yè huà : to commercialize
商 業 機 構 shāng yè jī gòu : commercial organization
商 業 行 為 shāng yè xíng wéi : business activity; commercial activity
商 業 中 心 shāng yè zhōng xīn : business center; commerce center
題 跋 tí bá : short comments; preface and postscript
推 薦 tuī jiàn : recommend; recommendation
推 薦 信 tuī jiàn xìn : recommendation letter
議 論 yì lùn : to comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion
輿 論 界 yú lùn jiè : media; commentators
注 «註» zhù : to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; to note; to comment on; to record; to register; to annotate
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專 家 評 論 zhuān jiā píng lùn : expert commentary
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