簿 記 管 理 員 bù jì guǎn lǐ yuán : commissarian
部 委 bù wěi : ministries and commissions
不 置 可 否 bù zhì kě fǒu : decline to comment; not express an opinion; be noncommittal; hedge
差 chāi : send; a messenger; a mission; to commission
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常 委 cháng wěi : member of standing committee
常 委 會 cháng wěi huì : standing committee
歹 徒 dǎi tú : evil person who commits crimes
犯 罪 fàn zuì : (commit) crime; crime; offence
工 委 gōng wěi : working committee
會 長 huì zhǎng : president of a club, committee, etc.
堅 持 jiān chí : to continue upholding; to remain committed to; persistence; to persist; to uphold; to insist on
鑒 定 委 員 會 jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì : evaluation committee; review board
吞 金 tūn jīn : to commit suicide by swallowing gold
委 wěi : give up; indeed; to commission
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委 員 wěi yuán : committee member; committee; council
委 員 會 wěi yuán huì : committee
委 員 會 會 議 wěi yuán huì huì yì : committee meeting
委 員 長 wěi yuán zhǎng : head of a committee
佣 yòng : commission (for middleman)
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約 定 資 訊 速 率 yuē dìng zī xùn sù lǜ : committed information rate (Frame Relay); CIR
政 委 zhèng wěi : political commissar (within the army)
自 殺 zì shā : to kill oneself; to commit suicide
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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