比 賽 bǐ sài : [athletic or other] competition; match
比 試 bǐ shì : have a competition; measure with one's hand or arm; make a gesture of measuring
不 學 無 術 bù xué wú shù : have neither learning nor skill; be ignorant and incompetent
才 干 cái gàn : ability; competence
競 [竞] «竸» jìng : to compete; to contend; to struggle
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競 爭 jìng zhēng : to compete; competition
競 爭 產 品 jìng zhēng chǎn pǐn : competitive product; competitor's product
競 爭 力 jìng zhēng lì : competitive strength
競 爭 者 jìng zhēng zhě : competitor
決 賽 jué sài : finals (of a competition)
能 幹 néng gàn : capable; competent
賽 [赛] sài : to compete; competition; match
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淘 汰 táo tài : to die out; to eliminate (in a competition); natural selection
行 «行» xíng : all right; capable; competent; OK; okay; to go; to do; to travel; temporary; to walk; to go; will do
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運 動 會 yùn dòng huì : a sports competition
爭 取 zhēng qǔ : fight for; compete for (a prize); to struggle
直 接 競 爭 zhí jiē jìng zhēng : direct competitor; direct competition
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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