阿 空 加 瓜 ā kōng jiā guā : Aconcagua
愛 面 子 ài miàn zǐ : be concerned about face-saving; be sensitive about one's reputation
凹 āo : a depression; indentation; concave; hollow
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凹 面 鏡 āo miàn jìng : concave mirror
凹 透 鏡 āo tòu jìng : concave lens
包 辦 bāo bàn : take care of everything concerning a job; run the whole show
包 藏 bāo cáng : contain; harbor; conceal
包 廂 bāo xiāng : box (in a theatre or concert hall)
報 失 bào shī : report the loss to the authorities concerned
蔽 «芘» bì : to cover; to shield; to screen; to conceal
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編 造 biān zào : compile; draw up; work out; fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up; create out of the imagination
冰 炭 不 相 容 bīng tàn bù xiāng róng : as incompatible or irreconcilable as ice and hot coals
不 打 不 相 識 bù dǎ bù xiāng shí : from an exchange of blows friendship grows; no discord; no concord
不 甘 bù gān : unreconciled to; not resigned to; unwilling
不 甘 心 bù gān xīn : not reconciled to; not resigned to
不 共 戴 天 bù gòng dài tiān : will not live under the same sky (with one's enemy) - absolutely irreconcilable
不 諱 bù huì : without concealing anything; die
不 可 思 議 bù kě sī yì : inconceivable; unimaginable
藏 «蔵» cáng : to hide away; to conceal; to harbor; store; accumulate
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妲 dá : concubine of last Shang emperor
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得 出 dé chū : obtain (results); arrive at (a conclusion)
訂 [订] dìng : to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.); to order
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對 於 duì yú : regarding; as far as (something) is concerned; with regards to
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伏 fú : conceal (ambush); prostrate; submit
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干 «乾» gān : dry; to concern; shield
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關 [关] guān : (surname); mountain pass; to close; to shut; to turn off; to concern; to involve
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關 切 guān qiè : be deeply concerned; be troubled (by)
關 係 guān xi : relation; relationship; to concern; to affect; to have to do with; relations; guanxi
關 心 guān xīn : caring; concerned
關 於 guān yú : pertaining to; concerning; regarding; with regards to; about
關 照 guān zhào : concern; care; to keep an eye on; to look after
和 好 hé hǎo : to become reconciled
和 解 hé jiě : conciliatory; become reconciled
基 本 概 念 jī běn gài niàn : basic concept
集 中 jí zhōng : to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together
集 中 器 jí zhōng qì : concentrator
簡 明 jiǎn míng : simple and clear; concise
驕 傲 jiāo ào : arrogant; conceited; full of oneself
結 局 jié jú : conclusion; ending
結 論 jié lùn : (reach a) conclusion; verdict
結 束 jié shù : termination; to finish; to end; to conclude; to close
具 體 jù tǐ : concrete; definite; specific
具 體 計 劃 jù tǐ jì huà : a concrete plan; a definite plan
具 體 問 題 jù tǐ wèn tí : concrete issue
眷 juàn : concern; wife and children
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可 想 像 kě xiǎng xiàng : conceivable
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力 寶 lì bǎo : Lippo (Group) (Indonesian business concern)
瓴 líng : concave channels of tiling
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密 集 mì jí : concentrated; compressed
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捺 nà : (downwards-right concave character stroke); press down firmly
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濃 [浓] nóng : concentrated; dense
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醲 nóng : concentrated; strong wine
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濃 縮 nóng sù : concentrate; concentration
配 合 pèi hé : coordinate with; act in concert with
潛 [潜] qián : hidden; latent; secret; to hide; to conceal; secret; hidden; to submerge
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潛 伏 qián fú : to hide; to cover up; to conceal
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讓 步 ràng bù : (make a) concession; to give in; to yield
讓 球 ràng qiú : to concede points (in a game)
涉 «渉» shè : involve; concern; wade; to experience
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實 在 shí zài : in reality; honestly; really; verily; concrete
廋 sōu : to search; be concealed
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藪 [薮] «籔» sǒu : marsh; place of concourse
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調 [调] tiáo : harmonize; reconcile
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務 實 wù shí : pragmatic; dealing with concrete issues
下 工 夫 xià gōng fu : to put in time and energy; to concentrate one's efforts
想 像 力 xiǎng xiàng lì : conception; imagination
斜 鉤 xié gōu : (downwards-right concave hooked character stroke)
嚴 重 關 切 yán zhòng guān qiè : serious concern
掩 蓋 yǎn gài : conceal; hide behind; cover up
隱 [隐] yǐn : secret; hidden; concealed
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隱 蔽 yǐn bì : conceal; covert; under cover
隱 藏 yǐn cáng : to hide; to conceal
隱 瞞 yǐn mán : to hide; to conceal
懮 慮 yōu lǜ : (feel) anxiety; concern
有 關 yǒu guān : to have something to do with; to relate to; to concern; concerning; related to
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遮 zhē : cover up (a shortcoming); screen off; to hide; to conceal
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注 «註» zhù : to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; to note; to comment on; to record; to register; to annotate
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耑 zhuān : concentrated; specialized
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專 [专] zhuān : for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; particular (to sth); concentrated; specialized
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專 心 zhuān xīn : absorption; concentrate; concentrate; concentration; engrossed
自 負 zì fù : conceited; responsible
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