並 聯 bìng lián : parallel connection
串 «串» chuàn : to string together; to mix up; to conspire; to connect; (a measure word); string
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雌 性 接 口 cí xìng jiē kǒu : female connector
締 [缔] dì : closely joined; connection; knot
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接 jiē : to extend; to connect; to receive; to join
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接 口 jiē kǒu : interface; port; connector
接 通 jiē tōng : to connect; to put through
開 放 系 統 互 連 kāi fàng xì tǒng hù lián : open systems interconnection; OSI
連 接 lián jiē : to link; to join; to attach; connection
連 接 至 lián jiē zhì : to connect to
連 結 lián jié : connect; join; link
聯 通 lián tōng : connection; link; to link together
聯 繫 lián xì : connection; contact; relation; contact; (in) touch (with); to integrate; to link
媒 體 接 口 連 接 器 méi tǐ jiē kǒu lián jiē qì : medium interface connector
面 嚮 連 接 miàn xiàng lián jiē : connection-oriented
紹 [绍] shào : connect; to introduce
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通 tōng : go through; know well; to connect; to communicate; open
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通 航 tōng háng : connected by air, sea traffic or service
無 縫 連 接 wú fèng lián jiē : seamless connection
無 連 接 wú lián jiē : connectionless
係 [系] xì : be; connection; relation; tie up; bind
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繫 [系] «繋» xì : connect; to tie
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相 連 xiāng lián : to link; to join; link; connection
虛 擬 連 接 xū nǐ lián jiē : virtual connection
虛 擬 通 道 標 誌 符 xū nǐ tōng dào biāo zhì fú : virtual channel connection identifier; VCI
虛 擬 通 道 連 接 xū nǐ tōng dào lián jiē : virtual channel connection; VCC
簃 yí : small house connected to large one
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姻 «婣» yīn : marriage connections
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因 特 網 聯 通 yīn tè wǎng lián tōng : Internet connection
有 關 人 士 yǒu guān rén shì : persons involved; those connected with (sth)
有 聯 繫 yǒu lián xì : to be connected; to be related
針 對 zhēn duì : in connection with; directed towards; to direct at; to aim at; to point against
政 府 機 關 開 放 系 統 互 連 總 則 zhèng fǔ jī guān kāi fàng xì tǒng hù lián zǒng zé : Government Open system Interconnection Profile; GOSIP
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Zhendic searched conne as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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