把 頭 bǎ tóu : labor contractor; gangmaster
包 bāo : to cover; to wrap; to hold; to include; to take charge of; package; wrapper; container; bag; to hold or embrace; bundle; packet; to contract (to or for)
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包 產 bāo chǎn : make a production contract
包 工 bāo gōng : undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to specifications; contract for a job; contractor
承 包 人 chéng bāo rén : contractor
蹙 cù : urgent; wrinkled; contracted; to kick
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得 病 dé bìng : to fall ill; to contract a disease
訂 立 dìng lì : agree to (treaty, contract, agreement)
合 同 hé tong : (business) contract
患 huàn : misfortune; suffer (from illness); trouble; danger; worry; to contract (a disease)
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婚 約 hūn yuē : engagement; wedding contract
買 方 mǎi fāng : buyer (in contracts)
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契 約 qì yuē : agreement; contract
券 quàn : deed; bond; contract; ticket
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收 縮 shōu suō : pull back; shrink; contract
撕 毀 sī huǐ : tear up (a contract, etc)
縮 [缩] suō : to withdraw; to pull back; to contract; to shrink; to reduce
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條 款 tiáo kuǎn : clause (of contract or law)
Zhendic searched contrac as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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