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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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bào fàn zuì : violent crime

dǎi : evil person who commits crimes

dìng zuì : convict (someone of a crime)

fàn zuì : (commit) crime; crime; offence

bài zuì : the crime of corruption

: (surname); crime; sin

Big5: , Unicode: 8f9c (辜),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

liú máng zuì : the crime of hooliganism

pàn guó zuì : the crime of treason

pàn luàn zuì : the crime of armed rebellion

shè xián : to be a suspect (in a crime)

táo zhī yāo yāo : escape; make a getaway (from the scene of a crime)

tóng móu : to conspire with someone; (be an) accomplice; to plot; (co)conspirator; partner in crime

«辠» zuì : guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin

Big5: , Unicode: 7f6a (罪),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zuì xíng : crime; offense

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Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.

Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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