暗 探 àn tán : secret agent; detective
半 脫 產 bàn tuō chǎn : partly released from productive labor; partly released from one's regular work
筆 桿 子 bǐ gǎn zi : pen; an effective writer
別 具 一 格 bié jù yī gé : having a unique or distinctive style
補 發 bǔ fā : supply again (sth lost); reissue; pay retroactively
不 靈 bù líng : not work; be ineffective
不 完 美 bù wán měi : defective; imperfect
遲 頓 chí dùn : inactive; obtuse
放 射 fàng shè : to radiate; radioactive
分 別 fēn bié : difference; distinction; apart; separate; separately; respectively
服 役 fú yì : serve in the army; be in active service
個 別 gè bié : individual; respective; respectively
各 自 gè zi : each; respective; apiece
互 動 電 視 hù dòng diàn shì : interactive TV
活 潑 huó po : lively; vivacious; brisk; active
活 躍 huó yuè : active; vigorous
積 極 jī jí : active; energetic; vigorous; positive (outlook); proactive
假 設 語 氣 jiǎ shè yǔ qì : subjunctive
建 設 jiàn shè : to build; to construct; construction; constructive
建 設 性 jiàn shè xìng : constructive; constructiveness
教 育 性 jiào yù xìng : instructive; educational
經 濟 有 效 jīng jì yǒu xiào : cost-effective
靈 [灵] «靈» líng : alert; departed soul; efficacious; quick; effective; intelligence
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目 標 mù biāo : target; goal; objective
目 的 mù dì : purpose; aim; goal; target; objective
耐 煩 nài fán : patient (adjective)
耐 心 nài xīn : patient (adjective)
屏 障 píng zhàng : protective screen
其 自 身 qí zì shēn : one's own (respective); proprietary
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前 景 qián jǐng : foreground; vista; (future) prospects; perspective
失 效 shī xiào : to fail; to lose effectiveness
統 稱 tǒng chēng : collectively called; common name
透 視 tòu shì : to examine by fluoroscope or X-ray; perspective; fluoroscopy
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現 役 xiàn yì : (military) active duty
效 用 xiào yòng : usefulness; effectiveness
形 容 詞 xíng róng cí : adjective
形 容 辭 xíng róng cí : adjective
引 人 注 意 yǐn rén zhù yì : attractive
有 害 的 yǒu hài : destructive; harmful; damaging
有 希 望 yǒu xī wàng : hopeful; promising; prospective
有 效 yǒu xiào : effective; in effect; valid
預 防 措 施 yù fáng cuò shī : protective step; protective measure
指 示 zhǐ shì : point out; (give) directives or instructions
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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