把 頭 bǎ tóu : labor contractor; gangmaster
百 戰 百 勝 bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng : emerge victorious in every battle; be ever-victorious
班 師 bān shī : withdraw troops from the front; return after victory
班 組 bān zǔ : teams and groups (in factories; etc; )
半 導 體 bàn dǎo tǐ : semiconductor
扮 相 bàn xiàng : the appearance of an actor or actress in costume or makeup
包 工 bāo gōng : undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to specifications; contract for a job; contractor
報 捷 bào jié : report a success; announce a victory
編 導 biān dǎo : write and direct (a play, film, etc.); playwright - director; choreographer - director; scenarist - director
兵 不 血 刃 bīng bù xuè rèn : the edges of the swords not being stained with blood - win victory without firing a shot
兵 工 廠 bīng gōng chǎng : munitions or ordnance factory; arsenal
病 急 亂 投 醫 bìng jí luàn tóu yī : turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
博 士 bó shì : doctor; court academician (in feudal China); Ph.D.
不 痛 不 痒 bù tòng bù yǎng : scratching the surface; superficial; perfunctory
廠 [厂] «厰» chǎng : cliff; slope; factory; yard; depot; workhouse; works
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廠 房 chǎng fáng : a building used as a factory; factory (building)
廠 工 chǎng gōng : factory worker
廠 規 chǎng guī : factory regulations
廠 礦 chǎng kuàng : factories and mines
廠 史 chǎng shǐ : factory history
廠 長 chǎng zhǎng : factory director
廠 址 chǎng zhǐ : factory site; location
承 包 人 chéng bāo rén : contractor
舛 chuǎn : mistaken; erroneous; contradictory
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雌 性 接 口 cí xìng jiē kǒu : female connector
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董 dǒng : (surname); supervise; to direct; director
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光 檢 測 器 guāng jiǎn cè qì : optical detector
核 反 應 堆 hé fǎn yìng duī : nuclear reactor
畫 報 huà bào : pictorial (magazine)
華 佗 huà tuó : name of a famous doctor in old times, Hua Tuo
化 裝 huà zhuāng : (of actors) to make up; to disguise oneself
檢 查 員 jiǎn chá yuán : inspector
講 師 jiǎng shī : instructor; lecturer
教 員 jiào yuán : teacher; instructor
接 口 jiē kǒu : interface; port; connector
捷 jié : victory; triumph; quick; prompt; rapid
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捷 報 jié bào : report of success; report of a victory
經 理 jīng lǐ : manager; director
靜 山 jìng shān : Cheng San (electoral constituency in Singapore)
競 選 jìng xuǎn : run for (electoral) office
凱 [凯] kǎi : triumphant; victorious
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看 病 kàn bìng : see a doctor; see a patient
李 時 珍 lǐ shí zhēn : Li Shi Zhen (1518-1593, famous doctor, author of ben3 cao3 gang1 mu4
例 言 lì yán : introductory remarks
羅 斯 luó sī : Roth (e.g. HRW Executive Director Kenneth Roth)
矛 盾 máo dùn : contradictory; contradiction
媒 體 接 口 連 接 器 méi tǐ jiē kǒu lián jiē qì : medium interface connector
目 錄 mù lù : catalog; table of contents; directory (computer); list; contents
牧 師 mù shī : chaplain; churchman; clergyman; parson; pastor; priest; rector
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勝 利 者 shèng lì zhē : victor; winner
探 測 器 tàn cè qì : detector; probe; craft
條 件 tiáo jiàn : condition; prerequisite; factor
選 區 xuǎn qū : electoral district
演 員 yǎn yuán : actor or actress; performer
要 素 yào sù : essential; factor
醫 [医] yī : medical; medicine; doctor; to cure; to treat
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藝 人 yì rén : performing artist; actor
聿 «肀» yù : introductory part.; pen
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指 揮 者 zhǐ huī zhě : conductor; director
專 員 zhuān yuán : assistant director
總 裁 zǒng cái : chairman; director-general (of a company, etc)
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