保 bǎo : to defend; to protect; to insure or guarantee; to maintain; hold or keep; to guard
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堡 bǎo : an earthwork; castle; position of defense; stronghold
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保 護 bǎo hù : to defend; to protect; to safeguard
保 衛 bǎo wèi : defend; safeguard
邊 防 biān fáng : frontier defense
辯 白 biàn bái : offer an explanation; plead innocence; try to defend oneself
辯 護 biàn hù : speak in defense of; argue in favor of; defend; plead; defend
辯 解 biàn jiě : explain; justify; defend (a point of view, etc); provide an explanation; try to defend oneself
防 fáng : to protect; to defend; to guard (against)
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防 空 fáng kōng : anti-aircraft defense
防 守 fáng shǒu : defend; protect (against)
防 守 者 fáng shǒu zhě : defender
防 衛 fáng wèi : to defend; defensive
防 衛 武 器 fáng wèi wǔ qì : defensive weapon
防 務 fáng wù : (pertaining to) defense
防 禦 性 fáng yù xìng : defensive (weapons)
國 防 guó fáng : national defense
國 防 利 益 guó fáng lì yì : (national) defense interests
國 防 預 算 guó fáng suàn huì : defense budget
捍 衛 hàn wèi : defend; uphold; safeguard
科 恩 kē ēn : Cohen (U.S. defense secretary)
空 防 kōng fáng : air force; air defense
檑 léi : logs rolled down in defense of city
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維 護 wéi hù : defense; safeguard; protect; uphold; maintain
衛 [卫] wèi : to guard; to protect; to defend; (surname)
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御 «禦» yù : defend; imperial; to drive
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駐 守 zhù shǒu : (man a post and) defend
Zhendic searched defen as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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