閉 會 祈 禱 bì huì qí dǎo : benediction
駁 [驳] «駮» bó : argue; parti-colored; tranship; dispute; contradict; refute
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部 首 bù shǒu : radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries
舛 chuǎn : mistaken; erroneous; contradictory
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詞 cí : works; phrases; classical Chinese poem; word; diction
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辭 [辞] cí : bid farewell; diction; resign; say goodbye; take leave; decline
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管 轄 guǎn xiá : administer; have jurisdiction (over)
歸 屬 guī shǔ : be under the jurisdiction of
結 論 jié lùn : (reach a) conclusion; verdict
矛 盾 máo dùn : contradictory; contradiction
難 以 nán yǐ : hard to (predict, imagine, etc.)
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司 法 權 sī fǎ quán : jurisdiction
聽 寫 tīng xiě : dictate; dictation
轄 [辖] xiá : have jurisdiction over
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宣 判 xuān pàn : pronounce a (judicial) sentence (after a verdict in a court of law)
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有 藥 癮 者 yǒu yào yǐn zhě : addict
預 計 yù jì : to forecast; predict; to estimate
專 政 zhuān zhèng : dictatorship
字 典 zì diǎn : dictionary; character dictionary
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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