哀 傷 āi shāng : grieved; sad; distressed
隘 ài : a pass or defile; narrow; confined; in distress
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安 頓 ān dùn : find a place for; help settle down; arrange for; undisturbed; peaceful
按 勞 分 配 àn láo fēn pèi : distribution according to work
按 需 分 配 àn xū fēn pèi : distribution according to need
白 酒 bái jiǔ : spirit usually distilled from sorghum or maize; white spirit
保 護 區 bǎo hù qū : conservation district
狽 [狈] bèi : a legendary wolf; distressed; wretched
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本 家 běn jiā : a member of the same clan; a distant relative with the same family name
逼 真 bī zhēn : lifelike; true to life; distinctly; clearly
賁 臨 bì lín : (of distinguished guests) honor my house; firm; etc; with your presence
邊 地 biān dì : border district; borderland
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辨 «弁» biàn : distinguish; recognize
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辨 別 biàn bié : differentiate; distinguish; discriminate
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別 [别] bié : leave; depart; separate; distinguish; classify; other; another; do not; must not; to pin
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別 具 一 格 bié jù yī gé : having a unique or distinctive style
不 安 bù ān : intranquil; unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried
不 分 彼 此 bù fēn bǐ cǐ : make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's; share everything; be on very intimate terms
不 即 不 離 bù jí bù lí : be neither too familiar nor too distant; keep sb at arm's length
不 同 bù tóng : different; distinct; not the same; not alike
不 遠 千 里 bù yǎn qiān lǐ : make light of traveling a thousand li; go to the trouble of traveling a long distance
不 周 延 bù zhōu yán : undistributed
長 途 網 路 cháng tú wǎng lù : long distance network
吵 chǎo : to quarrel; to make a noise; noisy; to disturb by making a noise
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郴 chēn : name of a district in Hunan
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茌 chí : name of a district in Shandong
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忡 chōng : grieved; distressed; sad; uneasy
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楚 «椘» chǔ : (surname); ancient place name; distinct; clear; orderly; pain; suffering; (a surname)
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傳 輸 距 離 chuán shū jù lí : transmission distance
逴 chuò : apparent; distant; highly
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悴 «忰» cuì : haggard; sad; downcast; distressed
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瘁 cuì : care-worn; distressed; tired; overworked; sick; weary
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怛 dá : distressed; alarmed; shocked; grieved
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鄲 dān : name of a district in Hebei
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搗 [捣] «擣» dǎo : pound; beat; hull; attack; disturb; stir
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地 域 dì yù : area; district; region
窵 [窎] diào : deep; distant; profound
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獨 特 dú tè : unique; distinct; having special characteristics
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阨 «厄» è : defile; pass; in distress
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發 佈 fā bù : to release; to issue; to distribute
邡 fāng : name of a district in Sichuan
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分 別 fēn bié : difference; distinction; apart; separate; separately; respectively
分 佈 fēn bù : distributed; to distribute
分 佈 控 制 fēn bù kòng zhì : distributed control
分 佈 式 fēn bù shì : distributed
分 佈 式 環 境 fēn bù shì huán jìng : distributed (computing) environment
分 佈 式 結 構 fēn bù shì jié gòu : distributed architecture
分 佈 式 網 絡 fēn bù shì wǎng luò : distributed network
分 發 fēn fā : distribute; distribution
分 配 fēn pèi : to distribute; to assign; to allocate
分 散 fēn sàn : scatter; disperse; distribute
分 散 式 fēn sàn shì : distributed
分 散 注 意 fēn sàn zhù yì : to distract
風 波 fēng bō : disturbance; crisis
鄜 fū : name of a district in Shaanxi
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光 纖 分 散 式 資 料 介 面 guāng xiāng fēn sàn shì zī liào jiè miàn : fiber distributed data interface; FDDI
邯 hán : name of a district in Hebei
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鄠 hù : name of a district in Shaanxi
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恍 huǎng : disappointed; flurried; indistinct
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怳 huǎng : disappointed; flurried; indistinct
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郟 [郏] jiá : name of a district in Henan
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鑒 別 jiàn bié : to differentiate; to distinguish
郊 區 jiāo qū : suburban district; outskirts; suburbs
攪 [搅] jiǎo : to disturb; to annoy; to mix; to stir
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攪 擾 jiǎo rǎo : to disturb; to annoy
較 jiào : clear; distinct; compare
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經 銷 jīng xiāo : to sell; to distribute
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窘 jiǒng : distressed; embarrassed
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距 jù : at a distance of; distance; to be apart
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距 離 jù lí : distance; to be apart
鄄 juàn : name of a district in Shandong
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苦 惱 kǔ nǎo : ail; annoy; distress; vexation; distressed; to be in misery
困 «睏» kùn : distress; sleepy; doze off
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愣 lèng : to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; stupefied; blank
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离 «離» lí : (distant) from; to leave
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酃 líng : name of a district in Hunan
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袤 mào : length; distance from north to south
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瞀 mào : indistinct vision; dim
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朦 «蒙» méng : deceive; indistinct
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明 顯 míng xiǎn : clear; distinct; obvious
模 糊 mó hu : vague; indistinct; fuzzy
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難 nàn : disaster; distress; to scold
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鬧 [闹] nào : make noise or disturbance
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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