白 屈 菜 bái qū cài : greater celandine
百 折 不 撓 bǎi zhé bù náo : keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks; be undaunted by repeated setbacks; be indomitable
敗 [败] bài : be defeated; to defeat; loss
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敗 績 bài jī : be utterly defeated; be routed
敗 陣 bài zhèn : be defeated on the battlefield; be beaten in a contest
飽 經 風 霜 bǎo jīng fēng shuāng : weather-beaten; having experienced the hard ship of life
逼 人 bī rén : pressing; threatening
敝 bì : my (polite); poor; ruined; shabby; worn out; defeated
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編 造 biān zào : compile; draw up; work out; fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up; create out of the imagination
遍 體 鱗 傷 biàn tǐ lín shāng : covered all over with cuts and bruises; beaten black and blue; be a mass of bruises
標 新 立 異 biāo xīn lì yì : start something new in order to be different; do something unconventional or unorthodox; create something new and original
不 住 bú zhù : repeatedly; continuously; constantly
不 落 窠 臼 bù luò kē jiù : not follow the beaten track; have an original style
層 [层] céng : a measure word for layers; laminated; repeated; floor; story (of a building); layer
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層 見 迭 出 céng jiàn dié chū : to occur frequently; to occur repeatedly
沉 浸 chén jìn : permeate; immerse
充 滿 chōng mǎn : full of; brimming with; very full; permeated
重 複 節 chóng fù jié : repeated segment (networking)
出 風 頭 chū fēng tou : to create a stir; to enjoy the limelight
創 [创] «剙» chuàng : begin; initiate; inaugurate; start; create
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創 造 chuàng zào : to create; to bring about; to produce
創 作 chuàng zuò : to create; to produce; to write; creative work; creation
打 敗 dǎ bài : to defeat; to overpower; to beat; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated
大 部 份 dà bù fen : (in) large part; (the) greater part; the majority
大 多 dà duō : for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly
大 鬧 天 宮 dà nào tiān gōng : "The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven", story about Sun Wu Kong
蛋 花 湯 dàn huā tāng : clear soup containing beaten egg and green leafy vegetable
導 致 dǎo zhì : to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about
電 影 院 diàn yǐng yuàn : cinema; movie theater
迭 «疊» dié : alternately; repeatedly
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多 次 duō cì : many times; repeatedly
多 端 中 繼 器 duō duān chōng jì qì : multiport repeater
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反 復 fǎn fù : repeatedly; over and over
各 大 軍 區 gè dà jūn qū : "the greater military areas"
勾 «句» gōu : to cancel; to delineate; hook
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勾 劃 gōu huà : to sketch; to delineate
節 外 生 枝 jié wài shēng zhī : new problems complicate an issue; deliberately create such problems
儘 量 jǐn liàng : as much as possible; to the greatest extent
恐 嚇 kǒng hè : to threaten; to menace
屢 次 lǚ cì : repeatedly; time and again
莫 大 mò dà : greatest; most important
鬧 事 nào shì : cause trouble; create a disturbance
暖 氣 機 nuǎn qì jī : radiator; heater
疲 憊 pí bèi : beaten; exhausted
騙 子 piàn zi : swindler; cheater
頻 頻 pín pín : repeatedly; again and again
亟 qì : repeatedly; frequently
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讓 坐 ràng zuò : to give up one's seat; to be seated
滲 透 shèn tòu : to permeate; to infiltrate
數 [数] shuò : frequently; repeatedly
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聳 動 sǒng dòng : to create a sensation
太 tài : highest; greatest; too (much); very; extremely
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威 脅 wēi xié : to threaten; to menace
戲 劇 xì jù : drama; play; theater
嚇 [吓] xià : to frighten; to scare; to intimidate; to threaten
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廂 [厢] xiāng : box (in theater); side room
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脅 [胁] xié : side of body; threaten
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造 成 zào chéng : to bring about; to create; to cause
造 成 問 題 zào chéng wèn tí : to create an issue; to cause a problem
戰 區 zhàn qū : war zone; (military) theater of operations
諄 zhūn : repeatedly (in giving advice)
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