教 學 jiào xué : teacher and student; education
教 學 機 構 jiào xué jī gòu : educational organization
教 育 jiào yù : to educate; to teach; education
教 育 性 jiào yù xìng : instructive; educational
勞 動 教 養 láo dòng jiào yǎng : reeducation through labor
勞 教 láo jiào : reeducation through labor
羌 qiāng : educated; name of a tribe; strong
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
取 得 大 學 學 位 qǔ dé dà xué xué wèi : to obtain a university education
學 位 xué wèi : educational level
學 院 xué yuàn : college; educational institute; school; faculty
義 務 教 育 yì wù jiào yù : compulsory education
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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