拔 «抜» bá : pull up; pull out; select; promote
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編 選 biān xuǎn : select and edit; compile
採 cǎi : to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather
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初 選 chū xuǎn : (US) primaries (election)
觸 電 chù diàn : to get an electric shock
傳 [传] chuán : to pass on; to spread; to transmit; to infect; to transfer; to circulate; to pass on; to conduct (electricity)
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大 選 dà xuǎn : general election
鄧 亮 洪 dèng liàng hóng : Tang Liang Hong (opposition candidate in Jan 1996 Singapore elections)
電 [电] diàn : electric; electricity; electrical
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電 磁 干 擾 diàn cí gān rǎo : electromagnetic interference
電 磁 噪 聲 diàn cí zào yīn : electromagnetic noise
電 燈 diàn dēng : electric light
電 纜 diàn lǎn : (electric) cable
電 力 diàn lì : electrical power; electricity
電 流 diàn liú : electric current
電 路 diàn lù : (electric) circuit
電 器 diàn qì : (electrical) appliance; device
電 信 diàn xìn : telecommunications
電 信 服 務 diàn xìn fú wù : telecommunications service
電 信 服 務 供 應 商 diàn xìn fú wù gōng yìng shāng : telecommunications service provider
電 信 號 diàn xìn hào : electrical signal
電 信 局 diàn xìn jú : central office; telecommunications office
電 信 網 路 diàn xìn wǎng lù : telecommunications network
電 子 diàn zǐ : electronic; electron
子 工 業 面 diàn zǐ gōng yè : electronics industry
電 子 網 絡 diàn zǐ wǎng luò : electronic network
電 子 文 件 diàn zǐ wén jiàn : electronic document
電 子 信 箱 diàn zǐ xìn xiāng : electronic mailbox
電 子 郵 件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn : electronic mail; email
電 子 元 件 diàn zǐ yuán jiàn : electronic component
多 黨 選 舉 dōu dǎng xuǎn jǔ : multiparty election
發 電 量 fā diàn liàng : (generated) electrical energy
股 «脵» gǔ : share; portion; section; part; thigh; (a measure word, e.g. use with electric current); whiff
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光 電 guāng diàn : opto-electrical
國 際 電 信 聯 盟 guó jì diàn xìn lián méng : International Telecommunications Union; ITU
交 換 jiāo huàn : to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom)
交 換 機 jiāo huàn jī : switch (telecommunications)
交 換 器 jiāo huàn qì : (telecom or network) switch
金 大 中 jīn dà zhōng : Kim Dae Jung (newly elected president of Korea)
靜 山 jìng shān : Cheng San (electoral constituency in Singapore)
競 選 jìng xuǎn : run for (electoral) office
舉 [举] «擧» jǔ : to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect
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涓 juān : (surname); brook; to select
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浪 涌 làng yǒng : (electrical) surge
遴 lín : (surname); select for appointment
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遴 選 lín xuǎn : to pick; to choose; to select
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芼 mào : select; vegetables
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民 選 mín xuǎn : democratically elected
跑 電 pǎo diàn : electrical leakage
漂 移 piāo yí : drift (electrical)
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人 選 rén xuǎn : person(s) selected (for a job, etc.)
數 字 shù zì : number; figure; amount; digital (electronics, etc); numeral; digit
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松 下 sōng xià : Matsushita (Japanese electronics company)
淘 汰 táo tài : to die out; to eliminate (in a competition); natural selection
挑 選 tiāo xuǎn : choose; select
網 絡 wǎng luò : (computer, telecom, etc.) network
新 任 xīn rèn : newly-appointed; newly elected; new (in a political office)
選 [选] xuǎn : to choose; to pick; to select; to elect
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選 舉 xuǎn jǔ : to elect; election
選 區 xuǎn qū : electoral district
選 擇 xuǎn zé : to select; to pick; to choose; to make a choice
陽 [阳] «昜» yáng : positive (electric.); sun
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陰 yīn : (of weather) overcast; Yin; feminine; moon; cloudy; negative (electric.); shady
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郵 電 yóu diàn : post and telecommunications
擇 [择] «択» zé : to select; to choose; to pick
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摘 zhāi : to borrow; to pick (flowers; fruit); to pluck; to take; to select
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摭 «拓» zhí : pick up; to select
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總 統 選 舉 zǒng tóng zuǎn jǔ : presidential election
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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