唉 «誒» āi : an interjection; to express realization or agreement (yes, oh, right, etc)
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按 àn : to press (with the hand); to push; to control; to restrain; to check; pressing down (brush movement in painting); according to; in the light of
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白 水 泥 bái shuǐ ní : white cement
頒 行 bān xíng : issue for enforcement
榜 bǎng : a notice or announcement; a list of names; public roll of successful examinees
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磅 bàng : a measure word; pound (unit of measurement); scale; weigh
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報 稅 bào shuì : declare dutiable goods; make a statement of dutiable goods
報 銷 bào xiāo : submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement; write-off; wipe out
報 帳 bào zhàng : render an account; submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement
揹 書 bèi shū : recite a lesson from memory; repeat a lesson; endorsement (on a check)
背 約 bèi yuē : break an agreement; go back on one's word; fail to keep one's promise
本 地 管 理 界 面 běn dì guǎn lǐ jiè miàn : Local Management Interface; LMI
鼻 兒 bí er : a hole in an implement or utensil for something to be inserted into; eye
比 量 bǐ liàng : take rough measurements (with the hand; a stick; string; etc; )
必 要 條 件 bì yào tiáo jiàn : requirement
編 次 biān cì : order of arrangement
便 道 biàn dào : shortcut; pavement; sidewalk; makeshift road
並 行 bìng xíng : in parallel [development, implementation, etc]
並 行 不 悖 bìng xíng bù bèi : both can be implemented without coming into conflict; not be mutually exclusive; run parallel
補 [补] bǔ : to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement
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補 報 bǔ bào : make a report after the event; make a supplementary report; repay a kindness
補 充 bǔ chōng : to replenish; to supplement; to complement; additional; supplementary
補 角 bǔ jiǎo : supplementary angle
補 色 bǔ sè : complementary color
補 體 bǔ tǐ : complement (in blood serum)
不 符 bù fú : inconsistent; not in agreement with; not agree or tally with; not conform to
不 經 之 談 bù jīng zhī tán : absurd statement; cock-and-bull story
佈 局 bù jú : arrangement; composition; layout
側 鋒 cè fēng : oblique attack (brush movement in painting)
層 次 céng cì : arrangement of ideas; administrative level; level; stage; phase
稱 讚 chēng zàn : to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to complement
成 份 chéng fèn : composition; ingredients; element; makeup
成 果 chéng guǒ : result; achievement; gain; profit
成 勣 chéng jī : result; score; mark; achievement
成 就 chéng jiù : accomplishment; success; attain a result; achievement
尺 寸 chǐ cun : size; dimension; measurement
窗 子 chuāng zǐ : casement; window
達 成 dá chéng : to reach (an agreement); to accomplish
大 便 dà biàn : to defecate; excrement; feces
大 小 dà xiǎo : dimension; magnitude; size; measurement
檔 案 轉 送 存 取 及 管 理 dàng àn zhuǎn sòng cún qǔ jí guǎn lǐ : File Transfer, Access and Management; FTAM
地 下 室 dì xià shì : basement; cellar
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訂 立 dìng lì : agree to (treaty, contract, agreement)
動 態 dòng tài : development; trend; dynamic state; movement; moving
動 作 dòng zuò : movement; motion; action
度 量 衡 dù liàng héng : measurement
垛 «垜» duǒ : battlement; target
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發 表 fā biǎo : to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out
發 表 聲 明 fā biǎo shēng míng : to issue a statement; to issue a declaration
發 言 fā yán : statement; utterance
分 子 fēn zǐ : molecule; numerator of a fraction; (political) elements; members (of a group)
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服 務 廣 告 協 議 fú wù guǎng gào xié yì : Service Advertisement Protocol; SAP
輔 [辅] fǔ : to assist; to complement; auxiliary
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功 gōng : merit; achievement; result; service; accomplishment
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公 報 gōng bào : announcement; bulletin; communique
公 約 gōng yuē : convention (i.e. international agreement)
崮 gù : (element in mountain names)
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管 理 guǎn lǐ : to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration
管 理 功 能 guǎn lǐ gōng néng : management function
管 理 接 口 guǎn lǐ jiē kǒu : management interface
管 理 信 息 庫 guǎn lǐ xìn xī kù : Management Information Base; MIB
管 理 站 guǎn lǐ zhàn : management station
貫 徹 guàn chè : implement; put into practice; carry out
規 約 guī yuē : terms (of an agreement)
橫 筆 héng bǐ : bristles lying down (brush movement in painting)
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婚 約 hūn yuē : engagement; wedding contract
機 場 jī chǎng : airport; management; to manage; to administer
簡 單 網 絡 管 理 協 議 jiǎn dān wǎng luò guǎn lǐ xié yì : Simple Network Management Protocol; SNMP
獎 [奖] «奬» jiǎng : prize; award; encouragement
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獎 勵 jiǎng lì : reward (as encouragement)
精 美 jīng měi : delicate; fine; refinement
糾 葛 jiū gé : entanglement; dispute
慷 慨 kāng kài : vehement; fervent
聯 合 發 表 lián hé fā biǎo : joint statement; joint announcement
聯 合 公 報 lián hé gōng bào : joint announcement
臨 時 的 本 地 管 理 接 口 lín shí de běn dì guǎn lǐ jiē kǒu : Interim Local Management Interface; ILMI
落 實 luò shí : to implement; to carry out; practical; workable
起 來 qǐ lai : beginning or continuing an action; upward movement; stand up
企 業 管 理 qǐ yè guǎn lǐ : business management (as a study)
契 約 qì yuē : agreement; contract
簽 署 qiān shǔ : to sign (an agreement)
強 調 qiáng diào : to emphasize (a statement); to stress
強 制 qiáng zhì : enforce; enforcement; forcibly
熱 鬧 rè nao : bustling with noise and excitement; lively
聲 明 shēng míng : statement; declaration
聲 明 書 shēng míng shū : statement
實 施 shí shī : to implement; to carry out
實 現 shí xiàn : to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about
實 行 shí xíng : implement; carry out; to put into practice
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