步 步 為 營 bù bù wéi yíng : advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step; consolidate at every step
步 哨 bù shào : sentry; sentinel
大 門 dà mén : entrance; door; gate
電 信 局 diàn xìn jú : central office; telecommunications office
古 怪 gǔ guài : eccentric; grotesque; oddly; queer
怪 人 guài rén : strange person; eccentric
集 中 jí zhōng : to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together
集 中 器 jí zhōng qì : concentrator
寄 jì : lodge at; to mail; to send; to entrust; to depend
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接 待 jiē dài : receive (a visit); admit (entry to)
軍 委 jūn wěi : Military Commission of the Communist Party Central Committee
懇 求 kěn qiú : beg; entreat; entreaty
密 集 mì jí : concentrated; compressed
名 流 míng liú : gentry; celebrities
濃 [浓] nóng : concentrated; dense
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醲 nóng : concentrated; strong wine
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濃 縮 nóng sù : concentrate; concentration
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統 一 招 生 tǒng yī zhāo shēng : national unified entrance exam
托 tuō : to hold in one's hand; to entrust; to support in one's palm
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下 工 夫 xià gōng fu : to put in time and energy; to concentrate one's efforts
中 共 中 央 zhōng gòng zhōng yāng : Chinese Communist Party Central Committee
中 美 洲 zhōng měi zhōu : Central America
中 央 zhōng yāng : central; middle; center
中 央 情 報 局 zhōng yāng qíng bào jú : Central Intelligence Agency; CIA
中 央 全 會 zhōng yāng quán huì : plenary session of the Central Committee
中 央 委 員 會 zhōng yāng wěi yuán huì : Central Committee
中 央 銀 行 zhōng yāng yín háng : central bank
注 «註» zhù : to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; to note; to comment on; to record; to register; to annotate
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耑 zhuān : concentrated; specialized
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專 [专] zhuān : for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; particular (to sth); concentrated; specialized
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專 心 zhuān xīn : absorption; concentrate; concentrate; concentration; engrossed
總 機 zǒng jī : central exchange; telephone exchange; switchboard
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Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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