筆 記 bǐ jì : take down (in writing); notes; a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches
變 文 biàn wén : a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhistic themes)
部 «卩» bù : ministry; department; section; part; division; troops; board; (a measure word); (a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.)
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
發 燒 fā shāo : have a high temperature (from illness); have a fever
海 洋 溫 度 hǎi yáng wēn dù : ocean temperature
體 溫 tǐ wēn : (body) temperature
文 藝 wén yì : literature and art
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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