包 辦 bāo bàn : take care of everything concerning a job; run the whole show
包 攬 bāo lǎn : undertake the whole thing; take on everything
不 分 彼 此 bù fēn bǐ cǐ : make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's; share everything; be on very intimate terms
無 所 不 賣 wú suǒ bú mài : to sell anything; to sell everything
席 卷 xí juǎn : engulf; sweep; carry away everything
一 切 事 物 yī qiè shì wù : everything
一 切 yí qiè : all; every; everything
應 有 盡 有 yīng yǒu jìn yǒu : everything (one could imagine)
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