暴 亂 bào luàn : riot; rebellion; revolt
逼 上 樑 山 bī shàng liáng shān : be driven to join the Liangshan Mountain rebels; be driven to revolt; be forced to do something desperate
不 仁 bù rén : not benevolent; heartless; numb
斗 批 改 dòu pī gǎi : struggle-criticism-transformation (Cultural Revolution slogan)
反 革 命 fǎn gé mìng : counter-revolutionary
革 命 gé mìng : (political) revolution
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紅 [红] hóng : bonus; popular; red; revolutionary
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紅 色 hóng sè : red (color); revolutionary
回 «囬» huí : (a measure word for matters or actions) a time; to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve
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迴 «回» huí : to curve; to return; to revolve
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迴 轉 huí zhuǎn : revolve; rotate; rotation
叛 pàn : to betray; to rebel; to revolt
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叛 逆 pàn nì : to rebel; to revolt
仁 慈 rén cí : benevolent; charitable; kind; kindly; kindness; merciful
圍 繞 wéi rǎo : revolve around; center on (an issue)
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演 yǎn : to develop; to evolve; to practice; to perform; to play; to act
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衍 變 yǎn biàn : to develop; to evolve
演 變 yǎn biàn : to develop; to evolve
一 九 四 九 年 yī jiǔ sì jiǔ nián : the year 1949 (Communist revolution)
運 轉 yùn zhuǎn : to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around
轉 [转] «転» zhuàn : to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about
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左 輪 手 槍 zuǒ lún shǒu qiāng : revolver
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