白 茫 茫 bái máng máng : (of mist, snow, floodwater, etc) a vast expanse of whiteness
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大 力 發 展 dà lì fā zhǎn : vigorous expansion; rapid development
發 展 fā zhǎn : development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand
渙 [涣] huàn : disperse expansive (of river)
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滉 huǎng : bright expanse of water
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濊 huì : vast; expansive (as of water)
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快 速 發 展 kuài sù fā zhǎn : rapid growth; rapid expansion
擴 大 kuò dà : to expand; to enlarge
漭 mǎng : vast; expansive (of water)
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膨 脹 péng zhàng : to expand; to inflate; to swell
使 膨 脹 shǐ péng zhàng : dilate; expand
拓 «拓» tuò : expand; support on palm; to develop; to open up
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汪 wāng : (surname); expanse of water; ooze
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增 zēng : to increase; to expand; to add
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壯 大 zhuàng dà : to expand; to strengthen
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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