昂 áng : high; soaring; raise; lift; expensive; to raise one's head
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昂 貴 áng guì : expensive; costly
班 門 弄 斧 bān mén nòng fǔ : display one's slight skill before an expert
飽 經 風 霜 bǎo jīng fēng shuāng : weather-beaten; having experienced the hard ship of life
報 銷 bào xiāo : submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement; write-off; wipe out
報 帳 bào zhàng : render an account; submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement
擯 bìn : reject; expel; discard; exclude; renounce
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摒 «屏» bìng : arrange; drive off; expel
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不 出 所 料 bù chū suǒ liào : as expected
不 經 一 事 不 長 一 智 bù jīng yī zhì bù zhǎng yī zhì : you can't gain knowledge without practice; wisdom comes from experience
不 料 bù liào : unexpectedly; to one's surprise
不 期 然 而 然 bù qī rán ér rán : happen unexpectedly; turn out contrary to one's expectations
不 速 之 客 bù sù zhī kè : uninvited or unexpected guest
不 意 bù yì : unexpectedly; unawareness; unpreparedness
不 虞 bù yú : unexpected; eventuality; contingency; not worry about
不 爭 氣 bù zhēng qì : be disappointing; fail to live up to expectations
才 cái : ability; talent; endowment; gift; an expert; only (then); only if; just
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出 乎 預 料 chū hū yù liào : unexpectedly
出 現 意 外 chū xiàn yì wài : (to appear) unexpected(ly)
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催 cuī : urge; press; expedite; prompt; hurry
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低 成 本 dī chéng běn : low cost; inexpensive
低 廉 dī lián : cheap; inexpensive; low
反 而 fǎn ér : instead; contrary (to expectations)
費 [费] fèi : to cost; to spend; fee; wasteful; expenses; (surname)
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費 用 fèi yòng : cost; expenditure; expense
分 析 人 士 fēn xī rén shì : analyst; expert
賻 fù : contribute to funeral expenses
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覯 gòu : complete; meet unexpectedly; see
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貴 [贵] guì : expensive; noble; your (name); precious
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果 然 guǒ rán : really; sure enough; as expected
呵 «訶» hē : expel breath; my goodness
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寄 予 很 大 期 望 jì yú hěn dà qí wàng : to place great hope or expectation on (sth)
加 速 jiā sù : accelerate; expedite
賤 [贱] jiàn : inexpensive; lowly
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教 訓 jiào xun : (teach someone or learn a) lesson (i.e. obtain wisdom from an experience)
經 費 jīng fèi : funds; expenditure
經 歷 jīng lì : experience; go through
經 驗 jīng yàn : to experience; experience
經 營 費 用 jīng yíng fèi yòng : business cost; business expense
竟 jìng : unexpectedly; actually; to go so far as to; indeed
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軍 費 jūn fèi : military expenditure
開 除 學 籍 kāi chú xué jí : to expel from school
開 支 kāi zhī : expenditures; pay; expenses
歷 [历] lì : to experience; to undergo; to pass through; all; each; every; calendar
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廉 «廉» lián : incorrupt; inexpensive
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料 liào : material; stuff; grain; feed; to expect; to anticipate; to guess
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琳 .戴 維 斯 lín dài wéi sī : Lynn Davis (US State Department arms control expert)
沒 經 驗 méi jīng yàn : inexperienced
拿 手 ná shǒu : expert in; good at
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盼 pàn : to hope for; to long for; to expect
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偏 偏 piān piān : (indicates that sth. turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal)
期 望 qī wàng : hope; expectation
驅 [驱] qū : to expel; to urge on; to drive; to run quickly
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驅 逐 出 境 qū zhú chū jìng : deport; expel
擅 長 shàn cháng : to be good at; to be expert in
涉 «渉» shè : involve; concern; wade; to experience
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身 世 shēn shì : one's life experience; one's lot
師 [师] shī : a division (milit.); teacher; master; expert; model
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識 見 shí jiàn : knowledge and experience
實 驗 shí yàn : to experiment; experiments
試 [试] shì : to test; to try; experiment; examination; test
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試 驗 shì yàn : experiment; test; experimental
試 驗 性 shì yàn xìng : experimental
壽 命 shòu mìng : life span; life expectancy
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討 [讨] tǎo : ask for; send punitive expedition; to demand; to marry
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體 會 tǐ huì : know (through learning or by experience)
體 驗 tǐ yàn : to experience for oneself
突 然 tū rán : sudden; abrupt; unexpected
望 «朢» wàng : hope; expect; to visit; to gaze (into the distance); look towards; towards
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新 鮮 xīn xiān : fresh (experience, food, etc.); freshness
醫 療 經 驗 yī liáo jīng yàn : medical expertise
醫 學 專 家 yī xué zhuān jiā : medical expert; medical specialist
意 想 不 到 yì xiǎng bù dào : unexpected; previously unimagined
有 經 驗 yǒu jīng yàn : experienced
閱 歷 yuè lì : to see; to experience
征 zhēng : attack; levy (troops or taxes); journey; trip; expedition
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征 戰 zhēng zhàn : campaign; expedition
眾 望 zhòng wàng : people's expectations
專 [专] zhuān : for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; particular (to sth); concentrated; specialized
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專 家 zhuān jiā : expert; specialist
專 家 評 論 zhuān jiā píng lùn : expert commentary
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