疕 bǐ : facial skin disease; mange
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便 利 biàn lì : convenient; easy; facilitate
表 情 biǎo qíng : (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression
朝 cháo : to face; towards; facing; direct; a dynasty; the imperial court
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朝 cháo zhe : facing; advancing (towards)
傳 輸 設 備 chuán shū shè bèi : transmission facility; transmission equipment
促 成 cù chéng : procure; facilitate
當 前 dāng qián : current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us)
核 設 施 hé shè shī : nuclear facility; nuclear installation
鬍 子 hú zi : beard; moustache or whiskers; facial hair
臉 譜 liǎn pǔ : types of facial makeup in operas
面 目 miàn mù : appearance; facial features; look
設 備 shè bèi : equipment; facilities; installations
設 施 shè shī : facilities; installation
生 產 設 施 shēng chǎn shè shī : production facility
使 容 易 shǐ róng yì : facilitate
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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