罷 黜 bà chù : dismiss from office; ban; reject
罷 官 bà guān : dismiss from office
辦 公 bàn gōng : handle official business; work (usually in an office)
辦 公 自 動 化 bàn gōng zì dòng huà : office automation
辦 事 處 bàn shì chù : office; agency
報 館 bào guǎn : newspaper office
報 社 bào shè : general office of a newspaper; newspaper office
編 輯 室 biān jí shì : editorial office
波 瀾 壯 闊 bō lán zhuàng kuò : surging forward with great momentum; unfolding on a magnificent scale
參 贊 cān zàn : diplomatic officer; attache
處 [处] «処» chù : a place; location; spot; point; office; department; bureau; respect
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擔 任 dān rèn : hold a governmental office or post
禘 dì : imperial ancestral sacrifice
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電 信 局 diàn xìn jú : central office; telecommunications office
隊 部 duì bù : office; headquarters
燔 fán : burn; to roast meat for sacrifice
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膰 fán : cooked meat used in sacrifice
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幹 部 gàn bù : a cadre (i.e. manager, staff, officer, etc.)
供 職 gòng zhí : hold an office or post
華 [华] «崋» huá : (abbreviation for) China; (surname) Hua; magnificent; splendid; flowery
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豁 huō : opening; stake all; sacrifice; crack; slit
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將 領 jiàng lǐng : high-ranking military officer
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競 選 jìng xuǎn : run for (electoral) office
就 任 jiù rèn : take office; assume a post
就 職 jiù zhí : take office; assume a post
局 jú : (a measure word used for games) set or round office; situation; office
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軍 官 jūn guān : (military) officer
餕 [馂] jùn : remains of a sacrifice or a meal
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梡 kuǎn : (tree); stand for sacrifice
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連 任 lián rèn : continue in (a political) office; serve for another term of office
禡 mà : d (22nd); sacrifice to god of war
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禖 méi : heir-requesting sacrifice
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禳 ráng : sacrifice for avoiding calamity
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人 事 部 門 rén shì bù mén : personnel office
任 rèn : to assign; to appoint; office; responsibility
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任 職 rèn zhí : hold an office or post
墠 shàn : level spot for sacrifices
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上 班 shàng bān : to go to work; to be on duty; to start work; to go to the office
售 票 處 shòu piào chù : ticket office
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司 令 sī lìng : commanding officer
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禫 tǎn : sacrifice at the end of mourning
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廳 [厅] «廰» tīng : (reception) hall; office
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外 交 部 wài jiāo bù : Foreign Affairs ministry; foreign office; Dept. of State
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犧 牲 xī shēng : sacrifice (one's life, etc.)
祫 xiá : triennial sacrifice to ancestors
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下 臺 xià tái : step down (from office, etc.)
銜 [衔] xián : hold in mouth; nominal office
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現 任 xiàn rèn : at the present; hold an office; occupy a post
饗 xiǎng : offer or enjoy sacrifice
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新 任 xīn rèn : newly-appointed; newly elected; new (in a political office)
釁 [衅] xìn : offer blood in sacrifice
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舋 xìn : offer blood in sacrifice
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宣 誓 xuān shì : swear an oath (of office); make a vow
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衙 yá : (surname); office; yamen
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佾 yì : row of dancers at sacrifices
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郵 [邮] yóu : post (office); mail
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雩 yú : summer sacrifice for rain
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玥 yuè : pearl used in sacrifice
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礿 yuè : spring imperial ancestral sacrifice
Big5: ͣ
, Unicode: 793f
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禴 yuè : spring imperial ancestral sacrifice
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在 野 zài yě : be out of (political) office; out of power
澤 [泽] «沢» zé : beneficence; marsh
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, Unicode: 8077
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職 位 zhí wèi : post; office; position
職 員 zhí yuán : office worker; staff member
執 政 zhí zhèng : be in power; be in office
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壯 麗 zhuàng lì : magnificence; magnificent; majestic; glorious
餟 zhuì : circle shrines and make sacrifices
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總 統 任 期 zǒng tǒng rèn qī : presidency; term of office
俎 «爼» zǔ : a stand for food at sacrifice
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璉 liǎn : vessel used to hold grain at temple sacrifices
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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