飽 [饱] bǎo : to eat till full; satisfied
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壁 壘 森 嚴 bì lěi sēn yán : closely guarded; strongly fortified; sharply divided
變 本 加 厲 biàn bén jiā lì : become aggravated; be further intensified
變 調 biàn diào : modified tone; tonal modification
怖 bù : terror; terrified; afraid; frightened
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不 滿 bù mǎn : resentful; discontented; dissatisfied
崇 chóng : high; dignified; lofty; to honor
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合 格 hé gé : qualified; eligible (voter)
猲 hè : frightened; terrified
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機 密 jī mì : secret; classified (information)
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歁 kǎn : unsatisfied (of eating)
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愣 lèng : to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; stupefied; blank
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列 為 liè wéi : be classified as
滿 意 mǎn yì : to be satisfied; to be pleased; satisfied; pleased
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愜 [惬] qiè : cheerful; satisfied
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師 傅 shī fu : master; a qualified worker
屬 實 shǔ shí : turn out to be true; verified; true
屬 於 shǔ yú : be classified as; to belong to; to be part of
竦 sǒng : horrified; incite; raise
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統 一 招 生 tǒng yī zhāo shēng : national unified entrance exam
偽 書 wěi shū : (forged, dubious, misclassified) old books
無 誤 wú wù : verified; unmistaken
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儼 [俨] yǎn : majestic; dignified
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儼 然 yǎn rán : just like; solemn; dignified
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逌 yóu : distant; joyous; satisfied
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中 心 語 zhōng xīn yǔ : qualified word
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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