霸 «覇» bà : feudal chief; rule by force; tyrant; lord; master; hegemon; usurp
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霸 道 bà dào : overbearing; high-handed; (of liquor, medicine, etc) strong; potent; (feudal) rule by force
霸 佔 bà zhàn : forcibly occupy; seize
八 級 風 bāi jí fēng : force 8 wind; fresh gale
頒 行 bān xíng : issue for enforcement
暴 風 bào fēng : storm wind; storm (force 11 wind)
暴 力 bào lì : violence; (use) force; violent
逼 bī : force; compel; drive; press for; extort; press on towards; press up to; close in on; close
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逼 宮 bī gōng : force the king or emperor to abdicate
逼 迫 bī pò : force; compel; coerce
逼 上 樑 山 bī shàng liáng shān : be driven to join the Liangshan Mountain rebels; be driven to revolt; be forced to do something desperate
避 實 就 虛 bì shí jiù xū : stay clear of the enemy's main force and; strike at his weak points
兵 bīng : soldiers; a force; an army; weapons; arms; military; warlike
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兵 力 bīng lì : military strength; armed forces; troops
兵 馬 bīng mǎ : troops and horses; military forces
兵 種 bīng zhǒng : (military) branch of the armed forces
補 法 bǔ fǎ : treatment involving the use of tonics to restore the patient's health; reinforcing method (in acupuncture)
補 瀉 bǔ xiè : reinforcing and reducing methods (in acupuncture)
部 隊 bù duì : army; armed forces; troops; force; unit
不 可 抗 力 bù kě kàng lì : force majeure
衝 突 chōng tū : conflict; conflict; clash of opposing forces; contention
沖 [冲] «盅» chòng : strong; powerful; forceful; dynamic; to punch
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衝 [冲] chòng : of great force; towards
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動 力 dòng lì : power; motion; propulsion; force
共 產 黨 部 隊 gòng chǎn dǎng bù duì : communist forces
國 民 黨 軍 隊 guó mín dǎng bù duì : nationalist forces
海 空 軍 hǎi kōng jūn : navy and air force
加 強 jiā qiáng : to reinforce; to strengthen; to increase
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精 干 jīng gàn : crack (troops); special (forces); highly capable
軍 事 力 量 jūn shì lì liang : military strength; military force(s)
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空 防 kōng fáng : air force; air defense
勞 動 力 láo dòng lì : labor force; manpower
力 «力» lì : power; force; strength
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力 量 lì liang : power; force; strength
流 亡 liú wáng : to (force into) exile
陸 海 空 三 軍 lù hǎi kōng sān jūn : army, navy, air force
美 軍 měi jūn : US army; US armed forces
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迫 pò : to force; to compel; pressing; urgent
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迫 使 pò shǐ : force (someone to do something)
強 qiáng : strength; force; power; powerful; better
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強 加 qiáng jiā : impose by force
強 勁 qiáng jìng : powerful; with force
強 有 力 qiáng yǒu lì : strong; forceful
強 制 qiáng zhì : enforce; enforcement; forcibly
入 木 三 分 rù mù sān fēn : written in a forceful hand; penetrating; profound
團 結 tuán jié : (hold a) rally; join forces
推 動 力 tuī dòng lì : driving force
武 力 wǔ lì : (make use of) military force; military force; military power; military might
武 裝 wǔ zhuāng : arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces)
武 裝 部 隊 wǔ zhuāng bù duì : armed forces
餡 [馅] xiàn : stuffing; forcemeat
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現 行 xiàn xíng : be in effect; in force
嚴 詞 yán cí : (criticize, etc.) forcefully; using strong words
繇 yáo : folk-song; forced labor
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氤 yīn : generative forces; magic emanation
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絪 yīn : generative force; magic emanation
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有 力 yǒu lì : powerful; forceful; vigorous
元 帥 yuán shuài : a marshal (in the armed forces)
縕 [缊] yūn : generative force; orange color
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栽 zāi : to force; to stick in; to plant
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只 好 zhǐ hǎo : to have to; to be forced to
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