拜 見 bài jiàn : pay a formal visit; call to pay respects; meet one's senior or superior
拜 渴 bài yè : pay a formal visit; call to pay respects; pay homage (at a monument, mausoleum, etc)
編 隊 biān duì : form into columns; organize into teams; formation (of ships or aircraft)
便 服 biàn fú : everyday clothes; informal dress; civilian clothes
便 函 biàn hán : an informal letter sent by an organization
便 條 biàn tiáo : (informal) note
便 宴 biàn yàn : informal dinner
表 演 biǎo yǎn : perform; act; play; show; performance; exhibition; demonstrate
兵 團 bīng tuán : large military unit; formation; corps; army
斗 批 改 dòu pī gǎi : struggle-criticism-transformation (Cultural Revolution slogan)
高 性 能 gāo xìng néng : high performance
格 式 gé shì : form; specification; format
更 高 性 能 gēng gāo xìng néng : high performance
供 gōng : offer (information etc.); supply
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工 讀 學 校 gōng dú xué xiào : the reformatory; reform school
管 理 信 息 庫 guǎn lǐ xìn xī kù : Management Information Base; MIB
機 密 jī mì : secret; classified (information)
技 術 情 報 jì shù qíng bào : information technology; IT
建 立 正 式 外 交 關 係 jiàn lì zhèng shì wài jiāo guān xì : formally establish diplomatic relations
見 聞 jiàn wén : what one sees and hears; knowledge; information
來 源 lái yuán : source (of information, etc); origin
內 情 nèi qíng : inside information
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情 報 qíng bào : (spy) intelligence; information-gathering
情 報 處 qíng bào chù : source (of information)
順 應 shùn yìng : comply with; be in conformance with
通 報 tōng bào : bulletin; journal; circulate information; bulletin
透 露 消 息 tòu lù xiāo xi : to disclose information
圖 像 互 換 格 式 tú xiàng hù huàn gé shì : GIF; graphic interchange format
文 wén : language; culture; writing; formal; literary
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消 息 靈 通 人 士 xiāo xī líng tōng rén shì : a well-informed source; a person with inside information
消 息 xiāo xi : news; information
泄 露 xiè lòu : leak (information); divulge
瀉 露 xiè lù : to leak out (information)
新 聞 處 xīn wén chù : news service; information agency
信 息 xìn xī : information; news; message
信 息 管 理 xìn xí guǎn lǐ : information management
信 息 技 術 xìn xí jì shù : information technology; IT
信 息 時 代 xìn xí shí dài : information age
信 息 系 統 xìn xí xì tǒng : information system
信 息 資 源 xìn xí zī yuán : information resource
性 能 xìng néng : function; performance
敘 述 xù shù : relate (a story or information); tell or talk about
訊 [讯] xùn : to question; to ask; to interrogate; rapid; speedy; fast; news; information
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約 定 資 訊 速 率 yuē dìng zī xùn sù lǜ : committed information rate (Frame Relay); CIR
幀 格 式 zhèng gé shì : frame format
正 式 zhèng shì : formal; official
中 華 zhōng huá : China (alternate formal name)
追 查 zhuī chá : investigate; track down (information)
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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