阿 不 來 提 .阿 不 都 熱 西 提 ā bù lái tí ā bù dū rè xī tí : Abdulaidi Amudurexiti (chairman of Xinjiang autonomous region)
邊 幣 biān bì : Border Region currency (consisting of the currency notes issued by the Border Region governments during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation)
邊 疆 biān jiāng : border area; borderland; frontier; frontier region
帶 [带] «帯» dài : band; belt; girdle; ribbon; area; zone; region; wear; carry; lead; bring; consists of; show; and
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地 方 主 義 dì fāng zhǔ yì : "local -ism"; attitude of favoring your local region
地 區 性 dì qū xìng : regional; local
地 域 dì yù : area; district; region
各 地 gè dì : in all parts of (a country); various regions
歸 心 guī xīn : converted to (religion)
肓 huāng : region between heart and diaphragm
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教 «敎» jiào : religion; teaching
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軍 區 jūn qū : a military region; a geographical area of command
郡 jùn : canton; county; region
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老 家 lǎo jiā : native place; place of origin; home state or region
區 [区] qū : (ancient volume measure); (surname); area; region; district; small; distinguish
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區 域 qū yù : area; region; district
神 道 shén dào : Shinto (Japanese religion)
首 府 shǒu fǔ : capital city of an autonomous region
特 別 行 政 區 tè bié xíng zhèng qū : Special Administrative Region
特 產 tè chǎn : special local product; (regional) specialty
特 區 tè qū : special (administrative) region
烏 魯 木 齊 wū lǔ mù qí : Urumqi (capital of Xinjiang autonomous region)
西 藏 xī zàng : Tibet; Xizang; Xizang autonomous region
新 疆 xīn jiāng : Xinjiang (Uygur Autonomous Region)
亞 洲 太 平 洋 地 區 yà zhōu tài píng yáng dì qū : Asia-Pacific region
亞 洲 與 太 平 洋 地 區 yà zhōu yǔ tài píng yáng dì qū : Asia-Pacific region
域 yù : region; territory; domain
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災 區 zāi qū : disaster area; stricken region
自 治 區 zì zhì qū : autonomous region (in China)
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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