愛 護 ài hù : cherish; treasure; take good care of
愛 惜 ài xǐ : cherish; treasure; use sparingly
抱 殘 守 缺 bǎo cán shǒu quē : cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn - be conservative
抱 «抔» bào : to hold; to carry (in one's arms); to hug or embrace; surround; cherish
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敝 帚 自 珍 bì zhǒu zì zhēn : value one's own old broom - cherish something of little value simply because it is one's own
承 受 chéng shòu : to bear; to support; to inherit
懷 [怀] huái : to think of; to cherish; mind; heart; bosom
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懷 抱 huái bào : (within someone's) embrace; cherish
懷 念 huái niàn : to cherish the memory of; to think of
繼 [继] jì : to continue; to follow after; then; afterwards; to go on with; to succeed; to inherit
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繼 承 jì chéng : to inherit; to carry on; to succeed
繼 承 權 jì chéng quán : inheritance
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鮶 [鲪] jūn : Sebastodes guntheri
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郡 治 安 官 jùn zhì ān guān : sheriff
老 驥 伏 櫪 志 在 千 里 lǎo jì fú lì zhì zài qiān lǐ : (lit.) an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 li; (fig.) old people may still cherish high aspirations
女 繼 承 人 nǚ jì chéng rén : inheritress
氣 候 狀 況 qì hòu zhuàng kuàng : climatic conditions; atmospheric conditions
情 報 qíng bào : (spy) intelligence; information-gathering
坨 tuó : lump; spherical substance
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襲 [袭] xí : inherit; raid; suit of clothes
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杙 yì : post for tethering animals
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圓 [圆] «圎» yuán : circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the moon) full; unit of Chinese currency (Yuan); tactful; to justify
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惜 xī : cherish; value highly; care for tenderly
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嗣 sì : inherit, succeed; heir, descendant
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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